Sonos resume after TTS or Track play. "Working"

Hi all,

I ran into this 'Sonos won't resume after TTS' issue that a lot of people seem to have come across.

Every thread I read seems to have not found a resolution and been closed.

After messing around with it I've found a fix that works for me.

My own need was to:

  • Have a streaming radio station either paused or playing.
  • I set my alarm with HSM and Mode changes to AWAY.
  • Stop the stream (If playing), and play an alarm exit message by TTS at volume 50.
  • Reduce volume to 14.
  • Restore the radio stream but keep stopped.

This way when I return home I can just press play on the Sonos and it will play the radio stream, at level 14. Not repeat the TTS at level 50.

As others have found the Resume/Restore/Play Text And Restore etc don't work.

I played the radio station I usually listen to and in the device info for the Sonos I copied the stream URL.

Then created the following in Rule Machine:

Trigger Event-
Mode becomes Away
Speak on Sonos (Volume:50): 'Alarm Setting.'
--> delayed: 0:00:02
Sonos --> Set Level to 14
--> delayed: 0:00:08
Sonos: Set Track: 'radio stream URL'
--> delayed: 0:00:12

The above is what the end result rule looks like but if anyone wants me to elaborate on options selscted when creating the rule let me know.

This has been working great so far.
The delays are necessary to allow each part of the rule to execute without overlaps, and the stop command at the start I added because there was a slight delay in stopping the radio stream if it was playing due to the buffer and this stopped the rule from running. Adding a Stop first solved this.

This of course is limited to using the same resume content each time which for me is fine.
I think the issue with resuming whatever was playing before is down to the fact the Sonos knows what it's previous state was but HE doesn't remember it.
To make that work we'd need some kind of 'GET' command to first grab the current state and then we can set the track again after our rule. Maybe a job for Variables? I haven't got into that much yet but I'll keep playing around with it.

Anyway, just thought I'd share.

Hope it helps someone.

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Ive been playing with some different things like this with sonos. What I have found is if you play a track and want to do something after such as play a different track or speak text you MUST put a delay in time equal to whatever track is playing. If you try to execute two different songs play track commands, it will not play the second. I think the reason is it want to fire them off one right after the other. If the first one is playing, the second one wont play. If you put a delay and give the first one a chance to play, then when complete it will play the second. If you notice I have a delay after each play track. That delay is 1 second greater than the track itself. This is the only way I could make this work.

Good tip. Thanks for sharing. :+1:t2: