I've been searching and don't find direct references to the Next track and Previous track functions not working with third-party integrations like Hubitat and Home Assistant. A few other thirdparty apps are also broken.
I know this is probably related to the Sonos update cluster F that everyone has been complaining about. Until my most recent forced update, I wasn't really affected. Now I cannot play music from my NAS via the Sonos app, but I can via a third-party app!
All that BS aside, are others not able to use the next track and previous track funcitons? Play/Pause and volume works, but the track control doesn't work from anywhere but the Sonos app and my third-party app. My system is at the latest garbage update and I've tried rebooting the entire Sonos system with no luck. Anyone else, or is it just me? Sorry if this is known already, but it's not by me. Haven't been using the Sonos integration for a while and I'm just finding this issue now.
Play Next and Previous track commands continue to work for me in with the Sonos Advanced Controller community app in Hubitat, the Home Assistant integration, SmartThings, and also with the now aging but still very effective node-sonos-http-api integration. What "other third-party apps" are broken?
It's not. None of the Sonos firmware updates, including the latest one, have as yet changed anything with the regard to local, third-party integrations that rely on the WebSocket API. While Sonos' choice to move to a cloud-based app has, no doubt, been a unmitigated disaster on every level, those of us who rely almost exclusively on third-party, locally-based integrations to manage our systems have been largely if not entirely unaffected by those changes.
Unfortunately, I can't explain why you're experiencing this issue. I can only suggest that it's not a widespread issue and that you may need to look in another direction for answers. Hopefully someone else has a better answer for you.