Sonoff without tasmota?

I used the exact same one. I think the older revision of the th16 must have been easy to flash...these new ones are a pain. Keep trying different timing on letting the button go. If I remember right it was longer than I thought it should be.

are you putting it into programming mode by holding down the button when connecting the usb?

Yea I’m holding the button on the sonoff. But doesn’t seem to be working.

You might want to restart the computer or even try a different one if you have one available.

I feel for you. I was ready to give up too at one point.

I was thinking about going into the office and trying on the work computer.

Will try again tomorrow hahah. Thanks for the help!!

Any idea what these yellow things are that came with the usb to ttl device?

They are the jumpers used to select the voltage. you need to use one of them. use 3v, 5v could damage the sonoff.

That could explain my issue then. As I’m not using any of them.

I’ll set it up like you have pictures and try again!

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