Sonoff SNZB-02 Humidity Reporting frequency

I have several of the Sonoff SNZB-02 sensors and they all work but the driver's Humidity Reporting option doesn't seem to have any effect. The sensors keep reporting every time the humidity level changes. I have tried both "Sonoff Zigbee Temperature/Humidity Sensor" and the Generic driver, they both act the same. When I make changes to the Reporting I make sure to click on configure in case that has an effect. Does anyone know about this problem? And is there a solution to it?

Try re-pairing the device (don't remove the device from Hubitat first--leave it, just reset and go into pairing mode). These devices are notoriously sleepy and will probably only listen for configuration commands -- or anything -- during pairing.

I tried that yesterday and its still acting the same way.

I don't know the inner workings of zigbee end devices but I assume they report whenever a change is detected and I figured the device driver would only read the last report based on the drivers setting, such as time. I don't think the Sonoff sensor has a time clock telling it to only report at a time interval, or to turn off reporting all together. I may be wrong but I thought that logic would be in the driver on the hub? No?

I’m mobile, so it’s hard to link, but search for @kkossev ’s wonderful driver. It works fantastic for the Sonoff T&H sensors. I’ve used it for both the original and the ‘P’ models. (I do recommend the ‘P’ models. There’s something quirky about the reporting on the OGs. Perhaps it’s the humidity. I can’t recall.)


I found it and trying it out now. Thanks for the tip!

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