We currently have our Plus Remote integrated into Hubitat. We use the Graber 3 button Plus remote with open, close and home button. The remote works perfectly with the shades. When we use the Somfy 2 Button Controller driver in HE we are able to get the remote to work by setting up the Button Controller App for the Open and Closed position. But we dont have access to the Home function. When we push the Home button on our remote plus we see pushed attribute change to 3 and all blinds move the home position. We just cannot get 3 to show up under the state variables. Is there another driver code available for Somfy 3 Button Controller? Please help.
I have the ZRSII Z-wave interface and the community driver and it works great even with the home button (thank you by the way). I do have to add a 1 second delay for some reason even with the home button. I use that for stop and memory.
I am new to all of this and can you eleborate a but further on the ZRSII Z-Wave interface? Also, could you provide a link to the drive you are referring to?