Somfy/Bali Shades Battery Report?

I have about 16 different Shades using the generic Z-Wave driver. Is there a way to run a single report to see the battery level for all shades?

There's no baked in report. You have a few options:

  1. Build a dashboard. Add each device. Add a tile using the battery attribute.

  2. Build an RM rule to log the battery % for each devices. This would be the most convoluted route as you'll need to have every battery change as a trigger, then an action line for each device to grab and stick the battery % into a variable. You can add a final action to log the battery level by setting the message to all the variables.

Alternatively, you can build the same actions, but set your trigger to run once a day.

  1. Use the built-in Notifications app. Select all you battery devices. Set a threshold and have it notify every day for devices below the threshold. (This is the route I go)

Wow. Ok. Thank you. I didn't know I could build a dashboard. I will research this. Thank you for the direction. Much Appreciated!

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