Some Z waves devices stop communicating

I upgraded to a C-8 Pro a few months ago and have been having issues with some devices dropping off the network. A hard restart usually restores communication but never lasts. Sometimes the fix is good for a few weeks, sometimes (like this last one) it only lasts a day. I have z wave thermostats that never drop off. Not sure whats going on.

One of them is an old GE wall outlet and the other is an inovelli switch. Both were solidly reliable on my old C-7. Starting to feel like the C8 Pro wasn't a good choice.

What can I post to get help troubleshooting this?

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I wonder if it could be the orientation of the antenna?
I think they should be pointing at a right angle, generally, to the sensors.
Anyway, something to fool around with.


I would do a Z-wave repair right after a reboot of the hub. You can do this in setting>>Zwave

You want your Antenna's pointing either up or down. It has been stated by hubitat staff before that having them at an angle does hurt performance of the antennas.

You may also want to evaluate the number of repeaters you have. Do you have many zwave devices? How old is the GE Wall Outlet. What gen of zwave are we talking about?

Probably just on the problem ones, not generally...I think?

Thanks for the suggestions. I will take a look at all the things you've suggested.

After either a hard reset from the hub or sometimes the device itself it works normal again. Just frustrating.

I also have had issues with Z-wave. I use Zigbee and Lutron mostly.

Please provide all of this information.

Before getting the screenshots of the Z-wave details, please ensure the hub has been running for at least 12 hrs since the last reboot (and state how long it has been).

Also VERY IMPORTANT - Click the "Refresh Statistics" button before getting screenshots.