Dear all
I tried to ask the support but unfortunately no answer ... Perhaps the community can help?!
Hardly thinking about switching from Zipato to Hubitat...
Perhaps you can help me with insights on important automation which I am using and if (hope so) they should also be possible in the Hubitat environment:
1: I am using multiple Fibaro Roller Shutter to control my (Venetian) blinds. Do you see the possibility to control tilt level of the lamellas?
2: I am using an (electrical) switch to control electrical heating in a room together with a heating schedule (Like on Monday from 9am to 4pm 21 degresse...). Using a temp sensor together with the switch and the heating schedule works quite well. Also possible with Hubitat?
Greetings from Germany
The Fibaro Roller Shutter is not officially supported (see: List of Compatible Devices - Hubitat Documentation), but if it's Z-Wave, it's likely to work with one of the generic drivers. It is my understanding that there are a few different generations of these, and your luck my vary. If you have the v2, people appear to have had luck with this driver ported from SmartThings: Z Wave Poller on Fibaro Roller Shutter 2.
Your second question is definitely possible, assuming your switch can be controlled by Hubitat (as usual, Z-Wave and Zigbee work best here, but any supported device--or one you're comfortable using a community or generic driver for if not officially supported--will work). Rule Machine allows you to create pretty much any automation you can think of, and what you're asking would certainly be possible. I think some people have created custom apps for the same. ("Apps" in Hubitat are basically automation templates; Hubitat has lots of ones built available for things like motion/timed lighting, "regular" thermostat scheduling, and more. You can use RM to cover anything these can't, or you can write or use a custom app yourself--programming knowledge required, which is why RM exists instead--or use one others have written if you trust their code.)