[Solved] Zigbee Instability is back!

I realize I'm not srwhite, but I also have multiple hubs (4 now, 5 if you count ST, 6 if you count Homebridge, and I do) and maybe my response will assist in understanding.

Most Important: there is no requirement for multiple hubs. People are running a couple hundred devices off a single Hubitat Hub. Using multiple hubs is a choice we have and there are conditions where an additional hub is a benefit.

First, consider a damaged hub. Having everything on a single hub, means your entire Home Automation project is dead. Splitting your devices across two hubs means you're more likely to only lose half the Automation.

Second, radios and the connectivity between hub and Z-device seems to be a limiting resource. Modern Z-devices are often multi-somethings and, especially with power readings, can be very chatty. The quantity of very small command packets sent over the radio can be impacted when everything "wants to talk at once." The queue behind each radio (ZWave and Zigbee) grows and the action appears delayed. Doubling the number of hubs, doubles the number of radios and ideally, halves the queue depth.

Third, Apps and Drivers are able to impact the performance and stability of the Hub. Infinite loops and other programming choices made by one developer can consume memory or CPU. While th Hubitat is a quad cpu, gig mem, computer, It's still a finite resource. Most of us with multiple hubs have looked seriously at pushing "risky apps" to their own hub. Even in dual hub configurations, putting the risky apps on the hub with the least devices can have benefits.

Fourth, is the use of a SmartThings hub either to migrate from, or simply use in it's Cloud capacity to enhance your Home Automation project. WebCoRE has had a very difficult life on Hubitat and some have left it running in ST's Cloud, for example.

The conclusion you reach regarding the choice to add another hub or more is determined by those conditions. The great news is, implementing multiple hubs is so much easier/better via HubConnect.

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I bet you make a wonderful face when clicking "check for updates" as when a new one arrives......there goes 2 hours....lol

Have these changes made it into the stock FW? I am trying to diagnose Zigbee issues with my own system and have ruled out most everything at this point other then the Zigbee stack or the radio stick.

Yes, many releases back. If you're on the current firmware, all of the Zigbee fixes have been implemented already.