[SOLVED] Tasmota relay off after 1 second then momentary on/off 10 minutes later

Background: I have a single relay on a D1 Mini flashed with Tasmota, discovered as a device in HE, that I have embedded in my Keurig coffee maker. The Keurig has a momentary On/Off switch using 5V circuit on the rear of the unit, which I paralleled with my relay. To turn the coffee maker ON or OFF, I can toggle the relay: On / Delay 1 second / Off. I have a simple rule to turn the relay OFF after 1 second delay any time it is turned ON.

Problem: I want to create a Rule to turn the coffee maker OFF after 10 minutes any time it is turned ON, like this.

If relay turns ON:

  • Delay 1 second
  • Turn relay OFF
  • Delay 10 minutes
  • Turn relay ON
  • Delay 1 second
  • Turn relay OFF

As you can see the above will go into an infinite loop, I've tried Cancel Rule Timer -> This Rule, after the "Turn relay ON" above (and before), among other things. I can't seem to find the secret sauce for this Rule to not call itself when it turns the relay on. Any help is greatly appreciated!

Solved with Private Boolean.