[Solved] Rule Not Acting Right with Motion Sensor

I have this rule that merely (as far as I can tell) detects motion from a motion sensor and based on the Living Room light being On turns on the Master Bedroom light. Works... except when the motion sensor goes inactive it turns Off the Master Bedroom light. Why? See Pic. thanks

I think you need Delayed Off under Actions for True or something similar so that it knows to keep it on even when it goes inactive

I tried putting delayed off under the true but it still turned off the light. I don't get why the motion sensor going inactive would have any effect at all! The trigger specifies active!

Not sure what Trigger brings to the picnic but I created this:

And the light stays on.

In other words, I set the switch on, and then caused the motion sensor to go.. the light turned on. I then turned the switch off AND waited for the motion to go false.. as shown.. and the light is still on.

There's nothing in this triggered rule that should cause the MBR light to turn off. Get your live logging running and look at what else is happening at the time the MBR light turns off...my first thought is that you have something else running that's causing it to turn off.

You can also look through the apps associated to your MBR light device and see if you have another rule or app that would explain the behavior.

That was my thought also about nothing there to turn it off. I will turn on logging and see what happens.

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I too tried that variation of a rule but got the same result so I will check logging.

App818 is the culprit. But I have Away selected where it says Only When Mode Is in the rule for App818. So why is the rule for app818 still running?

app:8182019-02-19 11:13:17.498 am infoAway Mode - MB Light Off at Bedtime on Weekdays Triggered

app:8182019-02-19 11:13:17.479 am infoRandom delay of 122 seconds

app:8182019-02-19 11:13:17.446 am infoAway Mode - MB Light Off at Bedtime on Weekdays: Master Bedroom Light switch on

app:8342019-02-19 11:13:17.108 am infoMaster Bedroom Light On if Living Room Lights are On in AM is now True

app:8342019-02-19 11:13:17.104 am info --> Living Room Lights on [true]

app:8342019-02-19 11:13:17.008 am infoMaster Bedroom Light On if Living Room Lights are On in AM: Master Bedroom Motion Sensor motion active

Post a screenshot of the app

red face. I found it. I was looking at a rule (they have similar or close names) and it showed Away selected but the other rule did not. I selected it in that rule and it is staying on. Thanks for the help I don't think I would have found it without the logging, I have to remember to use that.


Glad you got it figured out!