[SOLVED] RM rule corruption

So I wanted to edit a rule in RM. The rule was basic.

If Everyone is not present AND time is between 6M and 11PM
Set mode to Away-Night.

I went in to edit the rule which went fine but when I opened the rule again I see this. It did this to 3 of my rules now. I am affraid to open up anymore rules.

As a test I did it again on another rule. Here is the rule before.

Here is the rule after I go in and hit DONE and reopened it.

Rebooted the HUB to see if the change is permanent or not. It is. :frowning:

@bobbyD @bravenel

Investigating. Thanks for the tag @bobbles

So on a fresh reboot, I re-created the rule again. That went OK but when I open the rule, it's turned into

I will investigate.

Am able to reproduce... Will find reason.

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Just happened to me.
I had modified this rule today by using a scene instead of individual devices.
It's changed from a rule to a schedule.
It used to have times, lux, motion. All gone.

I have found the bug. It happens in rules that have Time of Day conditions. Got bit by a Java shortcut for method names. We will put out a hot fix.


Will this bring our rules back or do we need to re-write the corrupted ones.
I'm having to use my finger to press light switches. Whatever next.......... :wink: :smile:

No, they are ganked. All the fix does is stop the destruction. Don't hit Done in any rules with times as conditions in the meantime. Fix coming quite soon....


Hot fix is now available.

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Wow.. Change logs too now ? NICE!!!!

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Do you guys have a beers fund that I can contribute to? Awesome respond time :slight_smile:

seriously.. setup a paypal beers fund.. or for late night pizza..

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Hi Bruce.
Just to let you know that I downloaded the hotfix.
I have re-written the 4 rules that I changed and they now save OK and keep their configuration.
I've also opened and click on 'Done' for my similar rules and they do not change now.
(You probably knew this already though).
Thanks for the quick response.
Excellent service once again.


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Hey, my bad for breaking it that way. Really don't like making feature upgrade releases that damage installed stuff!!


3 posts were split to a new topic: [SOLVED] New release not available