[Solved] Mode Manager not returning to correct mode after away

Just had this same issue, wife got home and I checked the events for her life360 presence and it showed that she arrived and was present but HE never switched from away mode.

The hub is on I did not have this issue before the update.

The last event in Mode Manager was HE being set to away mode this morning when everyone left.

Iā€™m on and this seems to be working for me now.

It could have just been a glitch, I will know today if its working properly.

Just want to confirm this particular issue appears to be working now based on the latest hub update. Thanks Hubitat support team.

The problem is back. I'm having issues when returning from Away mode using time settings under switch off event. Can someone look into this please?

You need to show us your Mode Manager setup, and the logs from when it failed for us to look into it.

I can easily reproduce this issue. When I turn off my "Guest Mode" virtual switch nothing happens when it should return from away using time settings. Turning on "Guest Mode" works fine when changing the mode to Guest. The problem is with the off command. Please see screen shots.

I'm not able to reproduce this problem. It works for me, set up just like yours.

Are you sure that the system was in Away mode? It only sets based on time settings using a switch from Away mode, not some other mode.

That's it. I was expecting the Return from Away mode to work in the generality, meaning if I switched off Guess Mode, then it would change the mode to either Day, Evening or Night based on time. It worked at one point so not sure if this was a related to a recent change? Perhaps this needs to be a different option altogether? Thanks Bruce, appreciate all the help.

when can we expect the fix?

This isn't a feature of the app at this time, so there is no "fix". Return from Away is just that, for returning from Away mode.

It's not hard to do what you want with a trigger in Rule Machine, especially if you are using times for determining your modes. See this post:

You would use a different Trigger Event than that one, namely, switching off Guest Mode.

Thanks for the 2nd option. Just so you know, this did work at one point, then the functionality was removed. Ideally all of my mode change logic would be stored in one app, Mode Manager. It makes it a little easier to understand when making changes in one central application. RM is another option, agreed, but again this was working in a previous release.

I'll look into this. Perhaps it was removed by mistake.

Should I press on to RM 3 or were you able to find the previous change?


Next release?

Any update on this? Thanks

This feature never existed. It's on the list of things to do. Where modes were expanded was the ones to ignore for time changes.

Thanks Bruce. Is there anyway you could expand the functionality to return from X mode with a switch? Anyway we could get this into the next release?

It's on the list. Not sure if next release or not yet.

Bruce, can we please get this into the next release? I think many will use it. As an example, when I turn off my Guest virtual switch I want the mode to change back based on time settings. This will not work when my hub is in Guest mode. Again, this did work at one point because I was using it when my wife's parents would visit and my wife and I leave the house. In my use case guest mode would prevent our Life360 sensors from changing modes, almost like an override.