[Solved] Minor issue with, events Produced By not populated

Just updated a C7 to and I noticed that on the device Events pages the column Produced By no longer gets populated. Not something I need too often, but just wanted to flag it.

Cheers Rene

Odd, for me Produced By is staying blank for any of the devices with either system or user drivers.

I noticed this the other day. For me, it's only sensor type devices that lack the 'Produced by ' info. Actuator devices (those that receive commands), even virtual ones, are still populating.

Yes because nothing is sending them commands, they are just reporting info.

Looks like it is working to me.
It does look like they removed the "Produced By" entry for driver posted events, which was totally useless and confusing. Events are always produced by the driver/device. The only time it is relevant is for commands being called by other apps.


Correct, I was just stating my observation. But before the last update, sensors were reporting that, which doesn't make much sense.

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