[SOLVED] Lock Code Manager (LCM) "An unexpected error has occurred trying to load the app."

Thanks for your help Tonight. I am hopeful there is a patch i can run to get this straightened out.

Are you on the latest firmware?

I tried upgrading tonight, and that didnt fix it.

If you can't enter the code directly on the lock driver, it won't work from LCM

It works perfectly on the lock driver directly , AS I SAID ABOVE, but the LCM application crashes when i try to run it AS I SHOWED YOU in the video.

What browser version is being used in the video?, and when using Chrome do you experience the same issue?

firefox in the video and yes same issue on chrome, edge , and samsung browser on my cell phone..My laptop, my desktop, my cell phone and my tablet. same issue. I wish there was a way to uninstall and reinstall the app.

OK, narrowing in on this, it's related to the quantity of codes and locks (we think).

Can you install the app if not already installed, then from the apps page click the info gear, then PM me screen shots of that data?

https ://drive.google.com/file/d/1bbeT0Kx-aoOOQ4F-Z-QNeRjQi5_nVPeZ/view?usp=sharing

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Sorry for the troubles. The fix for your issue has been released. Please update your hub when you get a chance. Thanks again for your feedback.

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Bug has been squashed. Good work @mike.maxwell and @bobbyD!