[SOLVED] I did a Soft Reset and lost everything!

so I did a soft reset and I lost literally everything... :frowning: a lot of weeks of work. Is there a way to get it back?

Yes go to back up and restore and restore your database.


Soft Reset does that and specifically that.

When Soft Reset completes the reboot, it displays a green page and at the bottom is a link to restore database.

From where you are NOW, go to Settings: Backup and Restore, and restore the most recent DB offered OR select a backup you saved to your local disk.

Help Documentation:



thanks guys - sorry for going off topic. I low key lost it for a second

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The ability to upgrade when you want, and save your backups off line anytime you want, and have them automatically backed up for you each night, and restore them anytime you want is just a few of the things we love so much about HE. I know of no other commercially available hub on the market that lets you do that.


oh cool you can split out topics. interesting

Only Hubitat staff can.

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