[SOLVED] Hampton Bay Zigbee Fan Controller Driver Refresh Issue

I set my Hampton Bay Zigbee fan controllers to use the default, built in driver. Whenever a change is made to the device, i have to do a manual refresh before any of the changes made to the device are displayed in HE. Why is this? Do we have to set every device to do a manual refresh after a change is made? That seems a little ridiculous.

Did you click the CONFIGURE button on the main/parent Device? I never have to issue a REFRESH command to mine.

Several times.

Are you referring to the main Parent Device not updating? Or the two child devices?

None of them update until I hit refresh. Now, I'm on zigbee channel 26 but I've been waiting to change it since @mike.maxwell said that a change was coming that would make that easier. Could that have something to do with it?

Not sure... I use channel 20.

Here's the logs. I set the speed to low and then nothing updates until I refresh.

[dev:359]( 13:28:51.314:infoOffice Fan fan speed was set to low

[dev:359]( 13:28:51.313:debugevt- rawValue:1, value: low, descT: Office Fan fan speed was set to low

[dev:359]( 13:28:51.311:debugParse: read attr - raw: 16250102020A00003001, dni: 1625, endpoint: 01, cluster: 0202, size: 0A, attrId: 0000, encoding: 30, value: 01

[dev:359]( 13:28:51.212:infoOffice Fan light was set to 100%

[dev:359]( 13:28:51.211:debugevt- rawValue:255, value: 100, descT: Office Fan light was set to 100%

[dev:359]( 13:28:51.209:debugParse: read attr - raw: 16250100080A000020FF, dni: 1625, endpoint: 01, cluster: 0008, size: 0A, attrId: 0000, encoding: 20, value: FF

[dev:359]( 13:28:51.100:infoOffice Fan light was turned off

[dev:359]( 13:28:51.099:debugevt- rawValue:0, value: off, descT: Office Fan light was turned off

[dev:359]( 13:28:51.097:debugParse: read attr - raw: 16250100060A00001000, dni: 1625, endpoint: 01, cluster: 0006, size: 0A, attrId: 0000, encoding: 10, value: 00

[dev:359]( 13:28:50.960:debugrefresh

[dev:359]( 13:28:40.483:debugParse: catchall: 0104 0202 01 01 0040 00 1625 00 00 0000 04 01 00

[dev:359]( 13:28:40.346:debugsetSpeed: str:1

And another set for when I turn the fan off:

[dev:359]( 13:30:27.534:infoOffice Fan fan was turned off

[dev:359]( 13:30:27.533:debugevt- rawValue:0, value: off, descT: Office Fan fan was turned off

[dev:359]( 13:30:27.531:debugParse: read attr - raw: 16250102020A00003000, dni: 1625, endpoint: 01, cluster: 0202, size: 0A, attrId: 0000, encoding: 30, value: 00

[dev:359]( 13:30:27.442:infoOffice Fan light was set to 100%

[dev:359]( 13:30:27.439:debugevt- rawValue:255, value: 100, descT: Office Fan light was set to 100%

[dev:359]( 13:30:27.436:debugParse: read attr - raw: 16250100080A000020FF, dni: 1625, endpoint: 01, cluster: 0008, size: 0A, attrId: 0000, encoding: 20, value: FF

[dev:359]( 13:30:27.308:infoOffice Fan light was turned off

[dev:359]( 13:30:27.307:debugevt- rawValue:0, value: off, descT: Office Fan light was turned off

[dev:359]( 13:30:27.305:debugParse: read attr - raw: 16250100060A00001000, dni: 1625, endpoint: 01, cluster: 0006, size: 0A, attrId: 0000, encoding: 10, value: 00

[dev:359]( 13:30:27.177:debugrefresh

[dev:359]( 13:30:11.883:debugParse: catchall: 0104 0202 01 01 0040 00 1625 00 00 0000 04 01 00

[dev:359]( 13:30:11.701:debugsetSpeed: str:0

When I set level for the light, nothing at all shows up in the logs until i hit refresh:

[dev:359]( 13:31:49.686:infoOffice Fan fan was turned off

[dev:359]( 13:31:49.684:debugevt- rawValue:0, value: off, descT: Office Fan fan was turned off

[dev:359]( 13:31:49.682:debugParse: read attr - raw: 16250102020A00003000, dni: 1625, endpoint: 01, cluster: 0202, size: 0A, attrId: 0000, encoding: 30, value: 00

[dev:359]( 13:31:49.573:infoOffice Fan light was set to 100%

[dev:359]( 13:31:49.569:debugevt- rawValue:255, value: 100, descT: Office Fan light was set to 100%

[dev:359]( 13:31:49.566:debugParse: read attr - raw: 16250100080A000020FF, dni: 1625, endpoint: 01, cluster: 0008, size: 0A, attrId: 0000, encoding: 20, value: FF

[dev:359]( 13:31:49.481:infoOffice Fan light was turned on

[dev:359]( 13:31:49.480:debugevt- rawValue:1, value: on, descT: Office Fan light was turned on

[dev:359]( 13:31:49.477:debugParse: read attr - raw: 16250100060A00001001, dni: 1625, endpoint: 01, cluster: 0006, size: 0A, attrId: 0000, encoding: 10, value: 01

[dev:359]( 13:31:49.336:debugrefresh

Might be worth contacting support@hubitat.com to see if they have any suggestions.

One thing... Do you have a zigbee repeater (or 2 :wink: ) in the same room as the fan? The zigbee radios in these HBFCs is pretty weak and can use all the help it can get. If you have any Zigbee bulbs that are known to be bad repeaters, that could be part of the problem too. Just brainstorming! Hope you get it figured out.

But the change to the device happens immediately. I would think that if the device wasn't changing correctly, then I could understand it not working. I had to use one repeater to get one fan to stay connected at all. The other one always stays connected fine since it isn't inside the fan cowl (it wired in the attic but close to the door not the directly over the fan for ease of installation. I have two Cree Connected Bulbs connected to HE as well. But what i don't get is why does the manual refresh work? Why aren't the devices updating when the command is issued to them?

And there is NOOO way I am removing my bulb on the off-chance that might be the problem unless someone can tell me that it will definitely work if I take them off. Both bulbs are set into multiple apps (3 pico button apps, 5 "routine" RM apps and 2 Motion Lighting Apps). So, if you are sure that's the problem I'll try removing them. But if not, then no way. Took me long enough to get them to work the first time!

Are the Cree Bulbs the only Zigbee repeaters for these fans? Just curious. I have been migrating all of my smart bulbs over to Sengled Color bulbs as the GE Link and Cree bulbs fail. The Sengled bulbs are NOT repeaters by design. I use some Lowes Iris 3210-L smart outlets as my Zigbee repeaters throughout the house (bought a bunch a month or two ago when they were on clearance for $9.50.)

I don't know if the Cree bulbs would cause the problems you're seeing. It's just a hypothesis... You could ADD a known good zigbee repeater to the rooms with the fans, then simply power off the Cree bulbs, and then force a zigbee mesh rebuild by powering off the HE hub for at least 15 minutes. This way, you haven't really disturbed your two Cree bulbs, just temporarily disabled them for a test.

One hypothesis is that the Cree Bulbs are not transmitting the CONFIGURATION commands correctly, so the HBFC never knows how to report its status.

Nope. Have two IRIS plugs as well.

So, I would only have to turn the cree bulbs off, not remove them from Hubitat to test this then, right? (and by "off" I mean remove mains power from them. sorry)

Correct. I would turn them off, and then force the zigbee mesh to rebuild/heal itself. Seems like some useful data to have to see just how dependent your zigbee mesh may be on those two Cree bulbs.

And how do I force a zigbee mesh rebuild? Power off the hub for 15-20 mins (same as ST)?


There were a couple of the first devices that i moved over to HE. But since they are further away than the other devices, i figured they wouldn't be causing an issue. Hopefully it's just during configure and not in general. I've powered down both Cree bulbs and shut down the hub. We'll see what happens after a little while.

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Nope...no effect. Still doesn't report the change until after a refresh. And yes, I tried to hit configure first. Any other ideas?

I'd ask support@hubitat.com for help at this point. My only other suggestion is to factory reset the HBFC and re-pair it to the Hub. But that can be a real pain in the a%! to do.

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BTW, I just noticed that this is only true of the Fan part of the device. The light part works perfectly. Not need to refresh.

Just tried my Hampton Bay fan and turned off and on the fan with the remote (RF) and the component device for only the fan updated on each state change (no need to refresh)

Just want to confirm, that you have 2 fans, one works fine, and one does not send the status of the fan unless you hit refresh? The other one works as intended?

You are also currently on Zigbee channel 26? Is there anything on 25 or 20 that prohibits you from switching to either of those and seeing if the issue goes away?

Hi Patrick.
I have two fans but both perform the same. The light component updates correctly but not the fan.
I was actually going to change my zigbee over to channel 20 but @mike.maxwell said that there was going to be an update soon to make swapping channels easier, so I was waiting. The fan thing isn't a big deal now, since it's winter and I don't use my fans often. So, if swapping the zigbee channel will in fact be easier soon I can wait.
If not, I can initiate the change now. I won't be home for 48 hours so my zigbee network will have that long to "heal". Is swapping the channel something you'd recommend while I wasn't home? Is there anything I might have to do? Any manual power cycles or button presses?

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