[Solved] Error in new Notifier app for humidity sensor

Let me know if there is an error when you use a built-in driver instead of that one.

notifier seems to be working ok with the change to the built-in driver. Thanks!

I think that might have been an untested find/replace port of my ST handler, but that device is now supported by the generic temp/humidity driver so users should use mine to configure it and then change it back to the built-in handler.

That being said, no references to "tempHandler" exist in the handler and your event list shows that the events are being created so I have no idea what could be causing those errors.

As long as the built-in handler solved your problem, that's all that really matters.

Thanks, this was prob one of the first devices I started using with HE. The default driver seems to be able to set the device parameters I need now, so Iā€™m all set!

Thanks for pointing that out, I completely forgot that the built-in handler fully supports that device. I've deleted my custom handler from GitHub to avoid confusion.

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