[SOLVED] Community Rocks!

If Bobby is actually "on his own" (I've never seen that actually confirmed by Hubitat), that is still Hubitat's fault not the customer's.

It isn't unreasonable for customers to expect a "reasonable" turnaround time on support requests. And yes, I fully understand "reasonable" is a subjective measure.

I think expecting customers to be understanding when support is understaffed is a little unrealistic, though.

While I think Bobby does a GREAT job, I empathize with paying customers requests going into the great bit bucket in the sky...


I too have had a support issue fade away into this blackhole. It's really frustrating particularly when there is a lack of communication. I hate to pester @bobbyD when I know he is probably underwater but sometimes if you just don't make noise about something it gets lost in the mix. Either way the support capacity is something that needs fixing.

Yeah it is frustrating especially because since receiving the hub its not worked. I'm sure its a bug as well. I'd be happy to pay for premium support! I do feel bad if its just one guy fielding the emails however the company should be able to support its users

The key is communication. I really understand (I have my own company) how it's difficult to manage all the problems. And I praise @bobbyD for his work. However, we're in 2020 and there are [automated] tools to communicate quickly, even to delay the real service.
The most usual complaint is "no answer". It's really frustrating for everybody. I don't take it personally because I have no real complaint here (look at all my posts and answers here). And I don't want kisses on my ■■■ too (...)

You can be busy++ but you need to reply to any request. The reply could be "I don't have time now to pay attention to your problem, bu I will, as soon I have time to handle correctly your problem". People are friendly enough to be patient.
I worked in the retail for a moment years ago and you can have full customer's acceptance IF you are really listen to them and IF you reply to them, even without a solution on hand.

I've seen here people complaining about a lack of answer for days. I'm not the company but :


The way to handle this is by assigning a ticket that puts you in a queue and prevents your problem from getting lost. I believe Bobby does this.


Thank you everyone for your feedback. As many know, our current response time for the initial inquiry is within 24 hours (most urgent requests receive a response within an hour); for follow up questions or if we don't receive sufficient details to replicate the problem, we normally respond within three business days. If you didn't receive a response within a reasonable time, as @JasonJoel correctly pointed out, then please send me a private message so I can look at what might be causing your ticket to be delayed.

Also, in order to help us speed up your inquiry's resolution time, please help us understand better the circumstances in which you are experiencing the issue, and ways to reproduce it. Screenshots and logs of any errors are very helpful. Approximate time when last incident occurred and a list of devices involved (including model and drivers used).

If anyone needs help gathering additional details, the following document may be helpful:


Thanks everyone for your continued support and understanding.


I like Bobby. I just want 20 more of him. Clones!!! Like Boba Fett!

(Queue the pew pew lasers!)


As you wish, Master !


Ever so patient, you are, Bobby. Thanks for what you do.


LOL. Bobby Fett. :} :} :} :}


There's a huge community waiting to help people for things that don't need official support. A couple of us have spread suggestions across what are now three threads you've created on the same issue, so I guess I'll just keep going in this one. :slight_smile: Bobby is great, but the reality is that my understanding of the TOS gives us a 90-day warranty if we think something is wrong but no guarantee of official support for general "how to" questions during or beyond that, despite the fact that it's something they've been doing the whole time even for those of us who haven't bought a hub since two years ago (not me, but I'm sure they exist). :slight_smile: They are great but limited, so I'd encourage anyone who doesn't have a clear "needs official support" problem (bricked hub after the usual troubleshooting, for example) to exhaust the Community first.

Back to the issue: I've done some testing on this myself. I don't believe this is a Hubitat bug. I recreated a setup similar to what I suggested for you (I'm not sure you ever provided the full set of logs, something Support might also want):

I played around with a few things and this now works reliably for me. The only issue I ran into is that--as I suggested might be needed (but decided to save you the time of testing)--I do need a small delay before the capture if the bulb was originally off in order for RM to accurately capture the on/off state (otherwise, it seems like enough time hasn't passed for that attribute to update, so it gets saved as "off," which causes problems we've seen elsewhere and for which I suggested turning the bulb on before capture and then off yourself later if it was off to begin with). Half a second is all I did and was fine for me (to save you from having this delay if you don't really need it, I deviated a bit from my original suggestion and made it only happen if the bulb was off). You can add other delays elsewhere (or increase this one) if you want, but in my testing this accurately captures (I checked the application state) and restores the bulb in RM based on my switch. You should be able to sub your contact sensor in there with the same effect.

If this works as intended, you'll likely notice the bulb flash to its original settings before and after the capture/restore, simply because--the cause of all these problems--an "off" bulb cannot receive color and level settings (without turning it on, so RM presumably ignores these if off) except under special circumstances that are not possible with a Hue Bridge bulb.

If you create a rule like this and still do not see the intended behavior, I suggest providing the full set of trigger and action logs from a complete execution of all paths in the rule, contact closed and opened. Bonus points if you go to the cogs/info icon while the state should be captured and check out what the value of the capturedDevs variable is under "Application State" (notably, you should see switch=on as part of it since that is an outcome you assure in every case and the delay should make extra-sure gets recorded if you have to do it yourself).

Hope this helps!


Man this makes me nervous for the future and sustainability of Hubitat. People regularly post concerns here about how Hubitat keeps the lights on with such minimal revenue streams. The answer is always that not needing big cloud servers, due to the local processing, is the answer. But if more than one customer support guy can't be paid, and posting customers aren't getting answers to their support requests, that makes me nervous! I'm getting to reliant on this damn hub so I naturally worry.

Paid support is the way forward for increased revenue. There will be many that don’t have the time to tinker with rules but know what they want and are happy to pay for rules to be written for them. I know if happy I’ll pay!

What you're talking about is consulting, which is very different than a support/warranty line. I hope people aren't emailing Bobby asking him for help writing their rules. I didn't go back to the Ford dealership and ask for driving lessons, and I didn't call DeWalt when the shed I built fell over.


And fortunately we have this great community here. People who are basically willing to do consulting for free!


Because helping others also helps one gain knowledge and experience as well!

This is a great community. It does require some patience and humility though.. :grin:


To echo @jwetzel1492, if you describe the automations you want, there's a really high probability that people here will help you write the rules you need. And you can get it for free :smiley:

This is one great user community!


I don't know who's grading the answers today. I just want to make it clear - I did not copy @erktrek's answer. This was coincidence not plagiarism :rofl::rofl:


The community is integral part of our support structure. Because with Hubitat Elevation®, you’re
limited only by your imagination, the ingeniosity of our members is unmatched.

We are constantly amazed by the creativity that this community generates and there is nothing more rewarding for our developers to see how the product is utilized in the real world.

Although our principle is to keep things simple when building rules, we have seen countless examples of creative ways in which the product is used, that far exceed our expectations.

Here is the perfect example. A complex rule revealed a problem with Rule Machine, and the problem was fixed within 45 minutes! This is the kind of support we pride ourselves in offering.


The person who posted has gotten responses in now three different threads for this issue, including me above recreating and successfully testing nearly exactly what I had previously suggested as a solution to the problem. :slight_smile: