In the beginning there was X10 - a great set of devices to control my lights...
But soon there were issues, and soon it wouldn't work...
So, into my drawer all those X10 devices went...
And then there were two - the mighty Zwave and the awesome Zigbee...
But trying to be clever, I had to decide between them...
And of course, I decided on Zwave, and my lights rested on their chosen day...
But soon, a stranger appeared, and "HE" was it's name...
and the stranger said "Better Plus than polled!",
So, into my drawer all those Zwave devices went...
And then someone else, whispered into my ear...
Lutron will never die! they said...and with the Pico Pro, I went...
So, into my drawer, some Zwave Plus devices went...
And then someone else whispered into my ear...
Xiaomi is a great dragon, and is cheap too!
So, into my drawer, some more devices went...
I could go on about how I don't have any more room in my drawers...
The rule is that he who dies with the most toys win. Is there any condition that the toys have to be functioning? If not, I am leading the race. Lots of storage space.
I can't say that I have any wink equipment there, but there is Vera, Fibaro, HomeSeer, Iris, SmartThings, et al that takes up a lot of room... (it's not just devices...)
Actually my small (but critical) Lutron sets are performing without a hitch.
Nonetheless, I believe that one intent of the new Apple/Google/Amazon joint effort is to put companies like Lutron "out of business".
That would be too bad, because as others have said on this forum, Lutron products just work. Every day, all the time. They are made well, and last long. Too bad.
I too have a drawer full of Z-wave devices. But that’s because they were all crap. I’ve never had a single issue with my Zigbee and Lutron stuff. These new devices would have to be friggin amazofabulous for me to put my any of my Lutron or Iris devices in a drawer.