So I installed Home Assistant on my server…

And now I recall why I got rid of it ages ago! Calling it User hostile is being kind!

If it wasn’t for Hubitat not supporting MQTT presence sensors, I’d delete it again.

FWIW, I’m an IT professional who started learning computing on an XT class PC running MS DOS 2.11 in the mid 80’s. So I’m not averse to using CLI’s etc.


What? Hubitat fully supports MQTT devices. Hubitat doesn’t have an MQTT broker, so you’ll need to provide that, but Hubitat can definitely have client devices. It’d be really nice if Hubitat had a built-in app that ran Mosquitto or something, so an external broker wasn’t needed. I used to have a bunch of MQTT devices connected to Hubitat until I got tired of maintaining an external broker, so I switched them all over to REST.

I recently put Home Assistant on a Pi3B and have also suddenly realized that I hate it.


I'll be a contrarian here (shocker, I know...).

I find HAs interface and dashboards pretty easy to use, but I've used it a long time and am not looking at it from inexperienced eyes anymore. I find it is significantly better for LAN integrations in general (in product/ecosystem coverage, speed, and reliability). When using HAOS (in a VM or rpi) system maintenance on it is trivial/not an issue.

That said, I don't do any automation or logic in HA, as I strongly prefer the options in Hubitat and node-red. The HA blueprints are cute, but not my cup of tea. Nor do I have any of my Zwave, Zigbee, or Matter devices in HA - they are all on Hubitat.

The cool part, regardless of preference, is that there are multiple options out there and these days it is trivial to get data into/out of them so people can mix and match as they see fit! Good place to be.

EDIT: And as an author of multiple of the MQTT apps available on Hubitat, I'll say that MQTT support is simply better/less work in HA. Which is fine - Hubitat never advertised itself to be an MQTT machine (Hubitat MQTT support was originally added more or less as a side project by someone that doesn't even work for hubitat any more... So I'm happy it works as well as it does!).


Maybe I'll install the mosquitto broker in Home Assistant, then I can dig into that whole world... To be totally honest though, I have no idea what MQTT is supposed to do, but I see it mentioned all the time. I think I remember seeing something about Rheem using MQTT so maybe I can finally get status/control on my water heater in Hubitat.

I agree with @JasonJoel. There are some good things about HA. There are some not good things too. The way that entities, templates, services are presented to users is a bit nuts IMO. I think of HA as a reasonable option for beginners - it's more or less easy to get devices running, dashboards look good, and their basic automations work fine. It's also good for advanced programmers who want to deal with entities, services, templates. I'm not part of either group. IMO Hubitat gives advanced users who are not programmers the best, most efficient ways to automate their devices.


Wish I could help, but I’m stymied by incompetence. :nerd_face:

I got started with HA mostly by following tutorials I found on YouTube. But tutorials tend to become outdated due to the constant evolution of HA.

For me the #1 challenge is configuration in YAML. Formatting is clean but the indent rules are very strict. So I’ve made many errors along the way. A good editor like Studio Code Server is invaluable.

One caution for RPi installations is that there can be memory reliability issues using SD cards. I happen to be using another device (ODROID N2+) with an external SSD.


Very true. Now that rpi supports USB boot, I always recommend people use a real SSD based usb drive on their rpi. Yes, it sucks paying as much for a decent ssd usb drive as the rpi cost...

That said one has to be careful there too, though, as some "SSD thumb drives" are fake/not actually SSDs on the inside (some are emmc [likely OK to use long term], some glorified SD cards on the inside [not OK to use long term], etc).

Or if stuck with SD Card at least get a high endurance one. Sandisk MAX Endurance or Samsung Pro Endurance are my go-to. Both have like 30x the endurance rating of a standard/generic sd card.


Indeed. I used an SSD that I pulled from my laptop along with an enclosure/USB adapter. Runs warm but no issues in the past 1.5 years. More capacity than I expect to ever need.

Raspberry 5 now has a PCIe slot exposed now as well so you can use that with a hat for a low capacity NVME drive.

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Good point / adder / clarification!

I installed HA via their OS distribution on a old RPi3 I had. I've never had to deal with YAML.

(that said, I've written lots of code that uses YAML and find it trivial to modify. I just have never needed to with my HA installation)

HA Yellow has an NVMe slot, too.


Yep, that will eventually be a nice solution. Currently, there are no commercially available NVME solutions for the RPi 5 on the market that I am aware of. I expect that will change shortly, though.

Also, the Nabu Casa Team has not yet released a version of HAOS for the RPi 5. They are working on it and expect to release it early in 2024.

I just received my first RPI 5 a few days ago. It is much, much snappier than my RPI 4 systems.

Yep, I really like my HA Yellow PoE system. I have an 8GB RAM CM4 installed on it, along with a 1TB NVME SSD drive. It has been running InfluxDB, Grafana, Node-RED, NUT, plus a few other things without breaking a sweat. I also use it to bring in my Aqara FP2 zones into Hubitat using the HADB integration. Works great!


I'm not even sure what OP's using the CLI for anyways...

Well yes, I dont know much about MQTT, so this was my simple way of saying I couldnt find a way to integrate ESPresnece devices with Hubitat directly.

LAN integrations are the one thing it does better - there are just so many more of them. Regarding speed, my Server (NAS) is powered by a 4 core, 8 thread Ryzen beast with 32GB of ECC ram, so HAOS better run faster than Hubitat does. :rofl:

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It's literally what is says on the tin, "Message Queuing Telemetry Transport". If you have an IT background, it's similar to JavaMQ and other enterprise Message Queuing technologies in that it allows radically different systems to talk to each other. In this case it's designed for IoT devices and is really light weight.

Im not, although I did setup SSH so I could install Weather Underground (it's 100% manual). I mentioned CLI's just to show I wasnt a computing noob.

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Oh, I didnt realise ESPHome did that too. All the presence guides specifically point to ESpresence.