So fed up with motion sensors :(

Yeah I looked :frowning:

I have now installed a Fibaro z-wave, one of those with the "eye" on the front. So far it is triggering when I would expect it to!

I have a couple of these and have no issues with them. They are slightly slower to react than zigbee devices though.

Maybe the Ring Motion sensor??

Prime Day is coming up so there might be discounts. Don't know if this is going on in the UK or not.

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That's fine as long as they notice the movement within the one minute motion zone window. They might be a bit slow for turning on lights when you go in the room but that's not my purpose for it. I have put the oversensitive sonoff in the cupboard under the stairs which so far hasn't had automated lighting :slight_smile:

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Does that need some kerfuffle to integrate it to Hubitat?

Hard to say - I did a cursory search and some people had issues usually just not following the proper instructions etc. I do not have one myself but do have ring contact sensors and repeaters and they seem to work fine.

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How has this sensor been working out for you? Also how do you like the Foscam flood light?

It's been working great

Which driver are you using for the Foscam? I think I saw someone was working or made one.

I don't. For my dashboard I just use the direct feed.

Format as follows


What type of info can you see on the dashboard, the live feed? Thumbnails from notifications?

I set the frame change rate to 1 second. When I click on it it takes up the whole screen (be it pc, or tablet)

(sorry newbie question), is that something specific to Foscam that allows Hubitat to pull in that feed in that way, or could that work with other cams, like Eufy wifi cams?

If the cam has a direct ip feed, it should be doable. Look here for your specific camera. For dashboard tile you want the http or https feed. For RTSP or Onviv I would recommend usiing Either Camect ( or Blue Iris to integrate into Hubitat (Camect has better integration)

Cam address list

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