So a timeout doesn't change %device% anymore?

Did I miss something? I have a few rules where I look at the value of %device% after a wait to determine if the expression timed out. I just noticed one of my rules was not working so I made a simple test rule and %device% is null after an expression timeouts. See below.

Isn't this because the rule wasn't actually triggered by a device? :thinking:
I assume you just hit the run actions button.
Give it a whirl with a device to trigger your test rule and see if it gets written into the variable.

device should get set to "timeout" with or without a triggering device as long as the wait timed out, which is the issue here -- not whether it's set to the name of the triggering device, which indeed does require a "real" trigger.

This was reported on 2.3.2 a while back and I'm not sure it was ever addressed:

Tagging @bravenel to take a look, assuming this wasn't an intentional change or that there isn't a "new" way to do this.

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You can tell I don't use RM anymore............ :slight_smile:

This baby probably got thrown out by mistake. I will look into it.

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Found this problem. Fix in next release.


Thank you! This problem forced me to roll back!

I thought I had seen something about it, but I hadn't noticed any issues, so I never paid much attention to it. I know I use the technique in a few places, but I can't really remember where they all are. So hopefully the fix will be out soon, so I don't have to roll back.

Fixed in latest.

Yep that did it.

Updated and tested, confirmed. Thank you @bravenel