Is there any way of triggering routines based on HE getting a snmp trap?
I don't think you can do that even with Home Assistant. SNMP is a painful protocol to implement.
Node-Red has an snmp trap listener node. Might be be something you could integrate traps to various HE automations.
Hmm OK if I've got to get a pc involved then there are other ways I can easily do a snmp trap receiver and have it talk to HE... Easier than node red that's for sure.
But thanks for the suggestion
Like what?
Not tons of receivers out there that convert to webhooks.
Use python (pysnmp) and write a receiver that then triggers a http request to HE is probably my first thought.
Not a lot of code to do that.
I'm looking for just one particular message so doesn't need to be complex.
A quick manual trigger of the event will give me the string I'm looking for.
Yes in that case there may even be other solutions.
What is is generating the trap?
Piece of network equipment that likes to fall over
HE is going to power cycle it hopefully
If the device falling over is sending the trap you might want to use SNMP polling also.
I'm trying to not do this like my day job and stop short of setting up a NOC for my house