Just finished migrating from ST and added the smoke detectors. Would it be possible to add the battery percentage of the device on the tile in the dashboard? If so how would I do that?
I don't think that is available. You might be able to create something with Supertile.
Maybe add it in a future release? I see this being very helpful.
Add the device again to another Tile, and chose the Battery Template.
If it displays Battery in the Device's attributes, then it will show on the dash too, if Battery is used.
@zarthan, is also correct, if its an Attribute then Super Tiles could also do it.
If I go into devices it shows battery level but I would like it to be on 1 tile (status and battery percentage) so that it does not add more unneeded clutter.
My Smoke/CO detectors don't show battery on the tile. At this point, I have a separate battery only page for all my battery powered devices. I am OK with not having battery stats on the device tile because the battery level changes over a long period of time and it isn't a device you necessarily "look at". I am happy at this point to occasionally look at a battery page and make a decision on when to change batteries.
Have you tried the multi sensor template?
If that doesn't work still, then yeah, Super Tile could do it for you.
I use my sharptools dashboards for most of my battery monitoring, as when I setup those tiles I added battery to any of them that didn't already have it.
Would be nice if battery was an available option on any HE dashboard tile, though. Without having to use multisensor and losing the state icons...
Which smoke detectors are you talking about? I have Nest Protect, and with the path light active, and on the low I get three years of battery life. Battery status seems like somethings that development doesn’t really need to be putting their limited resources towards at this point, it’s a future “ask” in my opinion. No reason I need to be staring at the battery status of the smoke detector every day. Most important is that I’m notified when they need to changing.
No matter what smoke detector that you have you could do that with HE, but it would be best if your smoke detector can do that natively.
Most of my battery powered devices last at least a year and some last for several. Having to search through each page looking for what battery needs changing today is more than I want to do. A single page with battery levels across all my battery powered devices is something I can easily put on my monthly to-do calendar. And to me a Smoke Detector isn't something I look at to see if there is any smoke in the room. The text would be small and easy to miss. If this is something to add to HE list of things to add, it should be further down the list.
I agree with all that.
I am just postulating that for any battery device, battery % should be one of the things we can show on a tile out of the box. That would match basically every other dashboard product in existence.
I mainly handle battery monitoring via a custom HSM alert, but a dashboard, Device Monitor app, etc are all valid ways, too.
I'm not saying battery percentage shouldn't be an available standard item on the tile. Everyone has different needs/wants for how they operate and what makes sense to them.