Smoke/CO detector did not trigger Hubitat Safety Monitor with “Use Every…”

My toaster had an errant crumb that set off my ZCOMBO Smoke/CO detector and that event was detected by Hubitat, but it did not trigger the Hubitat Safety Monitor alerts I had set up. I checked the device page and it did not show the Hubitat Safety Monitor as an “In Use By” section even though, in the app, I had selected “Use every smoke, gas and carbon monoxide detector”.

I deselected that option and manually included all such devices and the Safety Monitor then showed up in the “In Use By” section for that detector. Just a head-up that there may be a bug there.

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Interesting. I installed 3x of the same sensor a few weeks ago, and added them to HSM with the same "use every..." option. My devices each confirm they are registered by HSM.

If you go back to "use every..." in HSM, do the devices drop the association? If you can reproduce the issue that way, then it's something they can investigate more easily.

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Did you add the devices to your hub after setting up HSM? Just a guess that it probably doesn't have a way to know unless you go back into the app...


Unless I'm mistaking, each time you add a new device that you want it to be used in Safety Monitor, you will need to go in it and hit done so that newer devices are added to the list. I don't think that safety monitor scans for new devices and adds them in by itself.


This HSM app was setup quite a while ago and I believe I may have added that ZCOMBO since. I guess I assumed the system was smart enough to auto-add it to the smoke list. I did just check if it stays recognized when resetting the app to “all smoke….” and it does.

So, thanks for all the replies and issue solved. The “all smoke….” slider does not ensure subsequently added devices get included. Take note.