Smartthings Presence Beep function

Hey all, I've been digging around, but haven't found any info on this. I've had a Hubitat hub for a while, but it's only been basic lighting, etc. I'm not starting my foray into Rule Machine and the more complex bits.

I noticed that the sensor has a beep function, and you can access it from the Device List > Device page; however, I'd like to create a button for the dashboard. It seems like I need to make a Virtual Button and then have a rule that when this is pressed, it sends the custom command to the sensor.

I'm having some issues figuring out HOW to do this exactly, could anyone drop me some hints on how to do this?

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Playing cards with the family. Here is a picture of mine in rule machine.

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Wow, I didn't know it could do that. I just tried out the beep on mine and it worked.

Thanks for the info.

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