SmartThings finally announces dates for the sunset of the Classic App, and more

Well i guess we'll have to agree to disagree. The devs in the thread I posted seem quite concerned about it.

You think that they have announced the date of the Groovy IDE shutting down? What is it?

Never once hqve I said that. You did.


What does this mean for HubConnect do you think?

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RIP Smartthings

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SmartThings has mentioned a WebSocket (SSE) that they are developing. I've heard nothing further. Maybe it's done, maybe not. I asked, got no answer. :frowning:

Any decision to alter ST's HubConnect's feature set lives with @srwhite. He's still 'Gone Camping" Screen Shot 2019-09-14 at 9.48.58 AM and I'm not expecting to hear from him for a couple more months. :smiley:


HubConnect 'should' continue to work for a while, hopefully until SmartThings shuts down their Legacy Groovy IDE. They have mentioned that they intend to do so sometime in 2021.

Update: There may be some issues due to differences in the Classic SHM versus the New STHM. Not sure HubConnect will be able to handle those differences without modifications.

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Me, too. I thought I would stay with ST forever.

I've really loved ST, which I've been using since 2014. I've done some custom work, used the Arduino Thingshield for a few projects, and so on. ST was so cool compared with everything else -- who else even thought of having a shield for the tinkerers among us?

I just cannot stay with them when they abandon the functional (but perhaps visually inelegant) classic app in favor of the new app; there is some anecdotal evidence that the "forced" app migration, which started recently, is a big mess. I don't intend to be around when they get rid of the backend next year some time.

My HE migration is well underway, and I should be done by 10/14, when they turn off the classic app.

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If you’re still using your ThingShield, please know that it will work on Hubitat using my HubDuino libraries. :wink:


Does this change mean that all the xiaomi device handlers are no longer going to work too?

Besides my security integration, I never did anything too crazy, aside from attempting to set up an ultrasonic sensor to measure my rain barrel level and refill it if it got too low so it wouldn't burn out my pump. Instead, condensation shorted out my power leads for my ESP8266. So glad I opted to build that with a $5 board rather than my antique ThingShield!

I think at this point I'm almost entirely moved over, need to start figuring out how to sell my old hub...

I've been studiously ignorning ST's prompts to try the new app until today. I still have my V2 hub running for Echo & Logitech integrations, AskAlexa, SMS and ActionTiles; also a score of automations (using shadowed HE devices) that I just never bothered to migrate. Only a half dozen real devices still on the ST platform; thankfully all using built-in device handlers.

Was kind of surprised after installing the new app (and relieved, since I can kick the can down the road yet again) to see that I could still access all my old SmartApps-- among them the original CoRE as well as WebCoRE and Bruce's original Rule Machine for ST. Aside from a few missing parameters when I tried editing existing automations in those apps, I had no major issues, though it seems lacking a bit of detail in a few areas. Strange that there is still no clarity re: the ultimate fate of key groovy apps like WebCoRE.

I have to say that in spite of ST's well publicized cloud issues, I've been impacted by very few once they fixed their scheduler years ago. Maybe the shard I'm on is just less problematic. The ST hub itself also has never needed any attention whatsoever. But having been through a platform shutdown in the past (CM15A ActiveHome) it's clear that cloud dependency is not a viable long term solution unless you enjoy forced migrations. I have no issues (and actually prefer) maintaining HE for local device control and ST for the cloud integrations that it does very well... as long as a solution like HubConnect is there to tie them together.

Hmmmm... :thinking:

I am not 100% sure, but based on your list of integrations above, you might be able to unplug your ST hub and have everything still work. Well, at least until ST shuts down the Legacy Groovy IDE. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Once I migrate those devices and remaining automations, I probably could unplug the hub. But in addition to the real devices it's still running I still use it occasionally (most recently for verifying firmware levels of some Iris devices I bought) and when trying to troubleshoot a device that is having issues on HE.

If ST custom apps go away, I'd really miss ask AskAlexa the most. I really don't think it has any true equivalent in the HE ecosystem. It was a pain getting it set up in AWS but I'm completely spoiled by how capable it is. Hopefully since it already runs on its own cloud instance it may survive the transition.

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I am sure I'd go berserk with boredom were it not for periodic forced migrations!

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The new app will not load on my phone, so its either another new phone or another HE at less than half the price

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Glad I migrated everything ofto HE. I'm still doing EchoSpeaks, with Hubconnect to keep that processing off the HE, I'll ride that out until it dies off... My v2 like others sits in a drawer. Maybe I can get $20 out of it.

Yup. We chatted about it over in the ST community before I made my decision to migrate. Once I get to migrating the shield I use to tap into my unused hardwired security system, I'll ask for some pointers.

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Wonder if there is anyway of flashing a ST v2 hub into something useful :innocent:

Got it right this time... I hope.
I stuck with X10 long after they disappeared. Moved to ST when I really had no choice. I was ready to jump when they started talking about dropping Classic. So happy that I moved to HE before things got ugly. And this time I got to keep my hardware.