SmartThings 2018 Motion Sensor pairing as Moisture Sensor

Hi, brand new to Hubitat though I've been running my ST Hub for about 3 years now. I was intrigued by Hubitat so I purchased one as I wanted to start playing around with it to see if it would fit my needs. I have about 125 or so devices in ST.

I had 2 new ST sensors that I figured I would pair. I had a Motion Sensor and a Contact Sensor. The contact sensor paired easily and seems to work fine. The motion sensor however keeps getting discovered as a moisture sensor for some reason.

Am I doing something wrong here? I can go in and switch the type to "Generic Zigbee Motion Sensor" and that seems to work but I would guess that it probably should be getting the correct type from the start, no?

Thanks for the help. I assume this is probably a basic question which I might have one or two more of until I get the hang of using Hubitat.

I've attached the screenshot of what it looks like when discovered.

Hehe. I'm not sure that the auto-discovery typing is all that. I moved over a pair of ST moisture sensors yesterday, and it thought they were Generic Contacts sensors. Presumably on that basis, if we found a contact sensor, it'd think that was a motion one :wink:

Thankfully, you can just override the type without incident, which is what I've tended to do with the ST sensors I'm moving over.

-- Jules

Some of the SmartThings devices are detected correctly, others not.
If they use the same identification in the firmware then HE picks it up as a wrong device.
It's not a problem, you just need to save, then go into the device page and assign the correct driver (then click 'configure')
This should sort you out.
I have a couple of these sensors and one of them was detected incorrectly but works perfectly now that I've assigned the correct driver.


Tagging @mike.maxwell as he can use the fingerprint information you posted to make sure these devices are properly identified in a future version of the Hubitat firmware.

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The inClusters are cut off in the above so I'm unable to see the complete string unfortunately...

@mike.maxwell Let me unpair it and pair it back and I'll get it for you.

Short of un-pairing and re-pairing the devices, is there a way to get the details again? I'll get the details for my (rather geriatric) Smartthings Moisture sensors too... but I only ask because one of them is in the wall behind my family bathroom shower cubicle (don't ask), and I really don't want to have to open the wall panel up again for a while :wink:

-- Jules

@mike.maxwell I went to re-add it but I noticed that I didn't cut it off. It actually isn't showing more than that. Is there another place to get that data from? A log perhaps?

I found it under System Events. Interestingly at the end of the line I noticed that it shows model:motion

|descriptionText:|New ZigBee device joined|

Hopefully this helps.

@JulesT You should be able to find yours in the same location I would assume. Since I only had 2 devices it was easier for me to go find vs sorting through multiple records.

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OK. Right. 15000 events to trawl through, but thankfully you can search on the device number :wink:

So... I've got two devices - both Old Smartthings Moisture detectors.

Payload as follows:

|descriptionText:|New ZigBee device joined|

|descriptionText:|New ZigBee device joined|

Hope that helps!

-- Jules

I am having this same issue with the new Hubitat C7. I am unable to get motion on this device.

This is a pretty old thread, so I am not sure much of the above would apply. There have been numerous driver and firmware updates since then.

With that said, is this the same device? Did you try to swap the driver (device type)? Did you hit "configure", and save preferences again after swapping drivers?

Do you want me to start a new thread?

Even after changing the device type, the motion sensor does not get added to the device. It shows up correctly in the device information, but does not have a motion state.

  • endpointId: 01
  • application: 1D
  • model: motionv5
  • manufacturer: SmartThings

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