SmartSurge devices / virtual devices possible?

They are definitely not officially compatible (see: List of Compatible Devices - Hubitat Documentation), but many devices work--with either stock or custom drivers--that aren't on that list. However, I can't find anything about them with a search of this forum, so I wouldn't count on it. I did search the SmartThings forum as well and couldn't find much there, either, but one person said it looks like they might be able to use the Tuya/Smart Life app. In that case, there are two things that might work with Hubutat: flashing the firmware to Tasmota (assuming this device is supported--this isn't Hubitat-specific and you'd have to figure that out somehow, probably with your actual model number) and using a custom driver someone wrote for Tasmota, or using a community-created Tuya integration that requires you to add a middleman (a nodeJS app running on any "server" or always-on computer you want).

Neither will be quite as easy and quite possibly not as nice as something that would work natively with Hubitat, e.g., the Zooz ZEN20. But I certainly understand the price consideration considering the difference.

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