SmartStart used the same name/location as previously joined device for a new device

Had one SmartStart device on the hub (Zooz ZSE41 Z-Wave contact sensor).

Scanned a Minoston LR outdoor plug (MP24Z) and it was entered in the mobile app SmartStart lise w/the same info as the previously joined device. I did not edit anything in the mobile app.

Didn't cause any harm, but it's a strange experience, and makes you wonder if the previous device will be affected by the current device you're trying to pair, or if the pairing is going wrong and you'll end up w/two copies of the previous device. Just odd.

Its just the name, the DSK is what matters, you can edit the name. iOS app had the same bug a while ago and it was fixed. What app build are you on?

Android most recent...would have to check, 224 or 225, or something like that? Just checked for updates late this morning.

@bobbyD @moncho1138 looks like this was never fixed on the Android app, just did it twice in a row for me on 2.0.3 (250) build. Scan a QR code and it scans in and give you no feedback at all. Scroll to the bottom of the list and there it is using the same name as the entry above it. Very confusing for new users!

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@bobbyD @moncho1138 has this been fixed yet? Seems to be still happening:


Thanks Jeff.
I got it cleaned up, but not sure if it was worth the effort just to clean up the SmartStart name. Anyway, it looks nicer now. :slight_smile:


Following up from 2024 @bobbyD @moncho1138
I added a device using the current mobile app on Android a few weeks ago and still had this same problem!

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