The only reason I'm using SmartStart is to include Z-Wave LR devices, which is mandatory.
I've got 81 LR devices included so far. All rules are acting as they should.
The problem is SmartStart.
One day, I had a fully populated SmartStart list, and the next, 60 of the 81 entries had a status of "Not Included, Node Pending".
I tried the usual reboot, shutdown/power cycle thing to no avail. I have not done a restore from a hub backup, yet.
edit: I just restored from a recent cloud backup, which didn't help. I'm reluctant to go further back in time and potentially lose a lot of work, just to experiment.
Things are working as they should, but I'm concerned that one day the SmartStart entries will rise from the dead and start including, or whatever, and screw up the Z-Wave.
I currently have the erroneous not included/pending entries marked as disabled in @jtp10181 's app. But, perhaps I should delete ALL SmartStart entries? After all, Hubitat only seems to use it to include new devices, right?
I'm not sure I see any use for SmartStart after the inclusion process is complete.
My other beef is that I'm now up to 9 Long Range ghosts that apparently cannot be removed. Seems to have no effect, but I can't really tell except by how things are working.
My desire is that someone from @support_team could address these issues. I think @bcopeland is the expert, but perhaps @bobbyD or @gopher.ny or @bravenel or anyone could help.