I'd seen an add for some contact sensors. They are Samsung - SmartThings ADT Door and Window Detector.
I know many smart things sensors with on HE but i cant see much more for detail in the ad to compare to the compatibility list.
I'd seen an add for some contact sensors. They are Samsung - SmartThings ADT Door and Window Detector.
I know many smart things sensors with on HE but i cant see much more for detail in the ad to compare to the compatibility list.
The ST brand contact sensors, now I think being made by Aeotec, definitely work with HE and are really nice. This one looks a bit different... and if amazon's Q&A is right then no, it will not...
Those require an SmartThings ADT Security Starter Kit (F ADT STR KT 1). Will not pair with SmartThings Hub nor any other ADT panels. They are not Zigbee or Zwave
Perfect...not worth taking a chance. Appreciate the reply
These ones work with hubitat ok
There is zero chance of these sensors working with Hubitat.
And today, I independently found this out.
The ADT-SmartThings devices were unusual in that they used both zigbee and a proprietary RF protocol to communicate with the ADT-SmartThings hub. They wouldn’t work at all even with a standard ST hub, IIRC.
Once ADT and SmartThings decided to drop that specific hub model, the devices effectively turned into paperweights.
Perhaps that's why I didn't pay much.