In Sweden we have smaller outlets mounted on the celing or high up on the walls for roof light fixtures. One way of controlling the roof lighting would be to use a smart plug. But I can't find any manufacturer that does small 220v smartplugs for those smaller outlets? Have anyone of you found such plugs (Nornal swedish outlet for comparison)?
Those outlets are (almost) always controlled by a wall switch. If you flip the wall switch off, you cut the power to the outlet and a smart plug would stop working. It is much better to install a puck behind the wall switch as @furom said because then you can still use the wall switch as normal and control it via your HE.
I would go fo a puck that doesn’t requera a neutral because here in Sweden, we normally don’t have the neutral in our wall switches. Fibaro Dimmer 2 and Qubino Mini Dimmer is two examples that doesn't requires a neutral. I have two Fibaro Dimmer 2 and they work fine.
Yes but in Sweden we have the ”kopplingsdosa”above or somewhere in the same Room and there it is a neutral. And Then you can install the puck there
Hi ktd,
Thank you for your advise. I am new to home automation so this type of thingy is new to me. Do I understand you correctly in that with one of these I can use both a normal lightswitch functionality and control the outlet/lamp via HE independently of each other? Does the puck come with a light switch or do I buy that separately? Besides not having a neutral, is there anything else I should look for in a 'puck'? What is a puck called in swedish?
Are there different pucks for different use? I.e. if I have a lightswitch with two buttons, I have to purchase a puck specifically made for two buttons? Or is the puck a generic thingy independent of type and model of lightswitch?
List item I don’t think we use a similar word to puck. Most sites use ”inbyggnads...” or ”fjärr...”.
List item I don’t think I’ve seen any switches where you can use “only” 2 wires, only dimmers. And the dimmers Ive seen only control one light. So if you have a wall switch with two buttons controlling two different lights you have to either run a neutral down to your wall switch and use a switch puck with two outputs or go creative.
List item Yes, with a puck behind your existing light switch you can use your switches as normal and/or control the light from your controller (Hubitat).
In my house most rooms have one “kopplingsdosa” where the incoming neutral is coming into the room but from there, the live and neutral unfortunately goes separate ways to the lights and outlets.
But if the live always comes back to the “kopplingsdosa” and you have room for a puck, that’s lovely.
I too have a few Shellys and they work great. But I have decided not to build my smart home around WiFi. A few none essential devices is ok but if WiFi is down or I’m fiddling with it, my smart home should work as normal.