I have a similar one, the Barista Express with built-in burr grinder, but no timer on mine. Up until today I've been very happy with it, but now I'm going to sob quietly every morning as I lie in bed wondering why oh why didn't I get the one with the timer. Thanks a lot.
Ya, good luck with that.
I'm surprised he's still alive to report that he asked her to do that.
Nah... I request coffee in bed quite often, and SWMBO is more than happy to oblige.
Granted, she pours it on top of my head, but I can usually slurp up a drop or two.
Somehow I became the automated coffee machine, she expects coffee to be brewed and ready on weekdays, and hand delivered to the bed on weekends. Happy wife, happy life
$40 Mr. Coffee. Load it up at night and set the on delay for the morning. Done.
I like the morning ritual of making espresso and coffee.
Yeah, I have auto-start now. I still have to grind the beans, change filter, dump the coffee, rinse the pot, and fill the tank. Somehow I am more motivated to do that in the mornings than at night. Same amount of work either way, and fresher ground if done in the morning.
I had a coffee maker with a built in grinder once, but it was actually more work. It spewed ground coffee everywhere in the top that had to be cleaned regularly, and the bean hopper was only large enough for one pot. So the only difference was saving one button push on the grinder, otherwise it was the same amount of work, plus a lot of clean-up in the machine.
Same duty and same reason. Seven days a week, drudgery (that I secretly enjoy) at my Breville coffee station making two latteccinos (my latte-cappuccino invention) every morning for wife and I. Most days I make one or two more for me later in the AM if I'm home.
Me too. The only thing I’d like to automate is turn on so that everything is at the correct temp. The boiler takes no time but the brass portafiller needs to be up to temp for best results. That’s where my machine is fatally flawed (Sage/Breville Dual Boiler) It has a timer function to turn it on but due to dumbass energy saving feature it turns off after 15 mins of inactivity. That cannot be disabled in the settings on the UK/EU model. As it’s an electronic switch, it makes it difficult for me to automate. I could use a fingerbot to push the button on but a, that’s fugly, and b. I’d need to do a complicated rule to continually toggle the switch off/on but ensure that couldn’t occur during extraction. Anyway it’s 8:18 AM here so I’m off to start the process and put some Miscela Italia beans through the Niche Zero grinder
I run a double shot of water through my very basic Cusinart to warm things up.
I actually have a couple of these around. I should put it on my current Magnifica.
If my goal is automation though...I'd expect to be able to set pretty much anything...latte/cappuccino/espresso/darker/lighter etcetera through Alexa and/or rule.
Please understand this is only because if I spend over a thousand on an appliance in 2025...it SHOULD be smart. Even if I never use the features.
I even kind of like the ritual of making coffee. It's big in my family. My brother roasts his own beans and would never even dream of using any kind of machine for making a cup.
Ahh but as I said that's fugly. I dread to think what SHMBO would say if I clogged that on the front of ours.
Me too. I went from a cheap Krups machine to an Ascaso to a Rancillio Silvia before getting a Jura 9.3 bean to cup. I had that a few years but the grinder was so basic that I sometimes got espresso that was way too 'thin' and I didn't like that it was just a single button press. So now I'm back to a traditional maker with a separate one shot grinder where I can mess around dialing in a bag of beans to get the best out of the machine.
Awesome button-kludge! Is there room for the other nine necessary for ABSOLUTE POWER?
I confess. I just taped it on for the photo op.
I have an 8 cup vacuum pot for when I feel the need get personally involved with the brewing. But then I have to start the water heating monitored with a thermometer. While the water is heating, Grind the beans and place them in the set aside upper flask. When the water is 170 F, I place the top flask into its position. Wait for the top flask to fill while occasionally stirring. Remove from the heat and wait for the coffee to be pulled back into the lower flask then enjoy. There is cleanup of the glass ware afterwards. OR.
I can set up Mr. Coffee the night before and push delay brew and go to bed. Hot coffee is ready when I get up in the morning. Cleanup is dump and rinse.
Thanks. I wondered about the tape. We need all the honesty and accountability we can get these days.
Yeah, it's that labour that keeps me brewing simple coffee and home, then going to a cafe when I need more. These automated machines intrigue me, but it's like they know you're going to have problems before they even sell it you. Several issues are listed in the FAQ of their sales page.