Dear Hubitat community,
over the past month I've been experimenting and learning home automation using my Hubitat C-8 (v2.3.7.138) combined with a few Zigbee Osram Smar+ bulbs, Heiman smoke detectors and Fibaro/Sonoff motion detectors.
So far the experience is positive, a steep learning curve but everything is starting to make sense, and I succeeded in setting up the first automations.
The dilemma I'm facing now relates to lighting: I want to automate all lights in the stairways and corridors of a relatively large building, with about 20 bulbs and 35 switches.
From your experience would you recommend getting smart bulbs (that will also create a nice mesh network) and applying to the switches "covers" that will prevent people from cutting power to the bulbs, or should I get regular bulbs and smart switches?
As there are more switches than bulbs, and smart switches cost more than smart bulbs, I'd be inclined to follow the first option, but I must hear the suggestion from more experienced users to avoid costly mistakes in the system's setup.
How are there more switches that lights? If they are in 3/4-way setups you may only need to replace the main switch and could use the existing switches for the other side of the 3-way. The Zooz switches support this for sure, not sure about other brands.
Generally, I would say go with switches unless you really want the extra features of a smart bulb, such as different colors or temperature adjustment over time (adaptive lighting).
How are your lights currently being used? Do other people interact with them? If so, the easiest way would be smart switches. You can still do automation while allowing for manual control as necessary.
This is really the key thing. Will you be using your bulbs for other colors or color temperatures? Or is just for dimming? If it is just for dimming, you are much better off just installing smart dimmers everywhere rather than bulbs.
For many homes, this is largely a personal decision.
If I tried to stop my wife from touching wall switches, I’d be left with plenty of switch covers but no wife…
ETA: there are some smart switches that have a “smart bulb” mode, which can allow you to use the switch essentially as a button controller but without actually switching the connected load.
Hubitat then serves as the intermediary to control the bulb when the switch “button” gets pushed.
Multiple bulbs on one circuit but different behavior desired
Insufficient access to switch
I have used clear covers with some success. This was in close consultation with the missus. Her behavior created lighting consequences that she did not like, so she appreciated the countermeasure.
If you only need to switch (toggle), then something like Zen51 could be an option also. Depending on the application details that could be easier/harder and more/less expensive.