Smart Beds finally integrated with HE

Finally I integrated my Reverie 5D Smart Beds with HE.
Original Reverie integration required Reverie Cloud (which happens to be Amazon AWZ Iot MQTT)
plus either Alexa or Google Home. So, two clouds for controlling beds which is absolutely "no go".
I did try everything "as is" but Alexa integration worked only for few commands. Surprisingly after
I complained about the problem Reverie tech support sent me a lot of confidential info how to
connect directly to the Amazon AWS MQTT. This is still cloud-based integration but at least one
cloud less (Alexa is out). After many experiments finally I was able to configure Home Assistant
Mosquitto MQTT Broker as a Bridge to the Amazon MQTT and successfully control my beds.
For the HE integration I tried MQTT Integration app/driver developed by @kevin and it worked on
a first try. Now I can control my Reverie Smart Beds directly from HE with Amazon AWS MQTT in the middle (unfortunately).
Next step will be to create a direct 100% local control over Bluetooth. I know, this is possible.
So, I will try hard to get it working.


Thanks, and well done, so many of my try this suggestions go untried so Iā€™m glad it worked.

If you hit any issues just PM me