Small suggestion to Improved Hubitat Elevation C7 Hub. It can be done!

Again, you can do this if you are interested.


But the LED's would be essentially useless to all but a very small fraction of users. In my case, my hubs are mounted on a wall (LED's facing down to the high shelf below) in a closet. In short one would have to bend and twist to actually see them. I am sure you have some use case you have reasoned for yourself. But I am also just as sure that it is of little to no use to 99.899% of the other current or future hub owners, and just not worth the cost, not just for the LED's (admittedly very cheap) but to also redevelop the hub to accommodate them ( a much higher hidden cost that would be passed along) for a feature almost no one would need or use.


Assuming there are one or more LED already exists and very well visible.
Now what?
Are your planning to send Morse Code encoded messages?


Ever heard of user device or sensor diagnostics?
... --- ... SOS


No, please tell us more.


Good point - Extra LED's and external radio antenna connectors.

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If you're talking about something like a furnace control board's diagnostic flash sequences, then yeah, I'll be reaching for that sledgehammer lol.


This should do it...we're done here, move along.


Got a part # and vendor?


Who would ever think about having HE control a furnace?
Your only hope is that you live in a hot climate or you will freeze to death. :smiley:


You misread or misunderstood what he was saying. Furnaces have a LED where you can count flash codes to (in theory anyway) diagnose the furnace. It works pretty bad most times.


Agreed @neonturbo, good practice of discretion.

@user494, you really should post a survey if you are so convinced that your suggestion is one that merits the effort (not just the cost of a few LEDs) to put this into production to see if it has any traction.

One to see if hubs are on display (I would think not in the vast, vast majority of cases, but you can find out with a survey) and one to see if your suggestion is one that anyone would find useful (given the other priorities that the Hubitat team must also consider). This way you can find out if:

Or . . .

In my own use case and with the manner in which I already monitor my hub and devices, as a project manager, I would not expend any effort into this unless there was a strong (meaning a market affecting) demand for such a feature. Personally, I don’t think there is for this idea, but THIS IS MY Opinion only. Given you’ve spent over $150 on a light bulb indication contraption your desire for this obviously far exceeds mine). Anyway, I suppose everyone has, and is entitled to, their own set of beliefs and preferences:
(Sorry, just ran into this GIF and wanted to use it somewhere, lol).


Sengled color plus bulb.


Well said but, as another user pointed out, having external radio (zigbee/z-wave) antenna connectors would be a great hub improvement along with my extra user programmable LEDs.

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There's an ongoing thread for that, and Hubitat have indicated it is under consideration for a future hub.

Continue any discussion about external antennas on that thread.


Funny - I have a Lennox pulse furnace with those diagnostic LEDs.

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This is a feature that I could support . . . extra leds, not so much. But, opinions are like @$$h0le$, everyone has one, and I don’t want to hear yours, lol. Obviously JUST JOKING!!!! (keeping things light).

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I am not sure, I understood correctly you coment but I am EE with hude
experience in electronics design. I do know how LEDs could be used for
quick diagnostic/status reporting and debugging. And I also know how
easy this could be abused, I am sorry, but your use case is next to useless,


I'm pretty much with everyone else. Lights are useless. (mine is sitting on a shelf in the laundry room). Simply sending an alert to my phone is enough...

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Not to mention fcc re certification costs, z-wave certification costs