Small display for refrigerator temperature

I have a temperature sensor inside a refrigerator and I would like a small display on the outside for the temperature. A simple LCD numeric display would be great and inexpensive. I don't want to use an old smart phone or tablet as it is overkill and too expensive. Is there a way to use an esp32 with a display for this?

Why bother trying to access the zigbee sensor?
This dumb one has been working great for me.

Power problem; I can see just how spoiled the food is getting, lol.

It has alarms too, although, I've disabled it because the defrost cycle regularly goes high on the freezer side-I could set the alarm on the fridge section though, which doesn't see the temp rise during a normal defrost cycle. Maybe I'll do that after posting this, lolx2.

You still have the zigbee sensor providing info to the hub for, whatever. I have a Hue motion inside my freezer as well.