Small dashboard issue

For quite some time now I cannot get the habitat dashboards to honor grid gap.
If I set it to anything 1 through 10 (as an example) it sticks and works fine.

If I set it to zero, it goes and sets itself back to 10 every time, Ive tried doing it via the options menu as well as through the CSS manually, neither work.
I have created a new dashboard, still no luck at all, it does the same behavior.

Is there a fix for this at all? It isnt much but annoying that it won't stick in any manner.

I do remember this being discussed before. I'd recommend seeing if you can find the topic, otherwise I'll try and find it later today. I can't remember whether we came up with a fix or not...

Actually I just found it. You were actually part of this thread, have you tried the solution that was posted?


I just did, it worked! Thanks!

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