Slow mirroring, noisy logs with Z-Wave Switch to Zigbee RGBW bulbs

I have a couple of Zooz Dimmers hooked up as 3 way switches that work nicely with habitat. I added some Sengled BR30 RGBW bulbs into the mix recently.

I have the switches setup with smart bulb mode to "Physical Control Disabled".

I created an RGBGroup bulb "Group Bulb Dimmer-2.1" type with the Sengled BR30 bulbs connected to the switch.

I then setup a mirror app to mirror the Zooz switch to the RGBGroup bulb.

This mostly seems to work, although sometimes it seems like the state of things gets confused and the state of the physical switch gets out of sync with the state of the bulb group.

The thing that bothers me the most though is there's a significant delay in turning the physical switch on or off to the bulbs actually turning on or off. In my group with 5 bulbs in it, sometimes not all bulbs end up in the correct state.

Now what's got me curious is the logs seem a bit noisy:

dev:542023-09-17 02:22:52.091 PMinfoRGB1 is off
dev:582023-09-17 02:22:51.682 PMinfoRGB4 is off
dev:572023-09-17 02:22:51.281 PMinfoRGB3 is off
dev:552023-09-17 02:22:50.878 PMinfoRGB2 is off
dev:572023-09-17 02:22:49.399 PMinfoRGB3 level was set to 95%
dev:582023-09-17 02:22:49.393 PMinfoRGB4 level was set to 95%
dev:552023-09-17 02:22:49.373 PMinfoRGB2 level was set to 95%
dev:542023-09-17 02:22:49.369 PMinfoRGB1 level was set to 95%
dev:562023-09-17 02:22:48.792 PMinfoLiving Room Accent RGB switch is off
dev:562023-09-17 02:22:48.743 PMinfoLiving Room Accent RGB switch was turned off
dev:582023-09-17 02:22:48.512 PMinfoRGB4 was turned off
dev:572023-09-17 02:22:48.501 PMinfoRGB3 was turned off
dev:552023-09-17 02:22:48.499 PMinfoRGB2 was turned off
dev:542023-09-17 02:22:48.465 PMinfoRGB1 was turned off
dev:572023-09-17 02:22:48.443 PMinfoRGB3 level was set to 99%
dev:582023-09-17 02:22:48.386 PMinfoRGB4 level was set to 99%
dev:552023-09-17 02:22:48.365 PMinfoRGB2 level was set to 99%
dev:542023-09-17 02:22:48.362 PMinfoRGB1 level was set to 99%
dev:192023-09-17 02:22:48.257 PMinfoLiving Room Accent Lights was turned off
dev:192023-09-17 02:22:48.255 PMinfoLiving Room Accent Lights was set to 0

Why for instance is the level being set twice, once after the off command has been sent?

Am I missing something here, is there a better way to go about this than I'm doing or some optimizations I can figure out to make things work better?

I tried this first with some hue bulbs in another room and it works almost instantaneously. Is Hue just better at this and I should have invested in their bulbs?

help is appreciated!

Do you have zigbee group messaging turned on for this group?

Yes I do.

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