Sleep Number Controller error

Hello all,

I have an older SN bed, fixed frame, no foot warmers or lights...

This error shows up 1x or 2x per day

Any idea what is causing it and what might be affected by it?

That’s being thrown from a method trying to either parse the time you’ve set for day start or night start. It should only get there if you’re not using modes to control when night starts and it should only have that error if somehow one of those times is unset.

Can you share a screenshot of the application page and one of the stored settings (click the gear)?

Not using modes nor have I set Day/Night start times

Super basic install, just use it to set sleepnumber each night as one side of the bed has a very small/slow leak

Ah, using variable refresh w/o times or modes is an unexpected state and I guess one I didn't handle. Can you try turning off variable refresh?

Thanks I'll give that a go

How do I turn of debug logging, doesn't seem like it's on yet the logs are full of them


Close to the bottom of the app there's a selection for the minimum log level, make sure that's set to info or warn --

Yes I had that debug logging level set a few times and it kept showing, I updated it again and now it's fine

How about a login error... the app says onliine and I tried the SleepIQ pswd and got the wrong pswd error and I have successfully logged into so I know my pswd is good

That’s actually normal. The API stops accepting the cached cookie and the log message is just letting you know the first attempt failed and it’s being retried.

TY @rvrolyk

I was getting errors as well and also the package manager said there was an update available. When I tried to do the update for the sleep number controller. It came back with a fatal error.

I then said why bother and attempted to remove the package. That comes back with a fatal error and rolls back.

I manually removed the software from Hubitat but the package manager still thinks its there.

Any suggestions on how to delete it from the package manager given the uninstall keeps failing with a fatal error for it.

Odd. You’re the second person to have issues but I can’t tell why nor can I reproduce it.

You can try repair or uninstall from HPM and then reinstall.

If you still can’t use HPM to install then you could manually install and use match up to tell HPM about it.

Here is what HPM gives me:

I will try looking at a manual install and see if it fixes anything.

Is that after a repair?

In HPM settings there’s an option to enable debug logging. I’m not sure if those logs will show anything useful

In the HPM settings use the Unmatch option at the very bottom.