Since update lights coming on

Since the last update, my RM that controls light levels and CT has the lights briefly flickering on at each of the times the rule clicks over to a different CT despite no motion being present to trigger the action.

To troubleshoot a rule, one would need to see the entire rule, including trigger events (not just actions). It is not clear from only the above why this might be happening.

If you wanted to try any troubleshooting on your own, the best first step would be to enable all logging, then look at the Logs for just that rule to start. This document has more on both of the above:

Your rule could also be made much easier to read (less indentation) if you used ELSE-IF instead of a nested IF inside an ELSE -- though the outcome would be the same so this is not related to your problem.


It was more a "there might be a bug in the code" as this rule has worked just fine for multiple updates.

Even if so, without logs or at least seeing the entire rule, it's impossible to know what might be going on.

That being said, if you suspect a platform update caused a problem, you can always use the Diagnostic Tool to revert to a previous platform version.


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