Simulate a RF remote with Hubitat and a RF bridge

Was wondering if you had any luck with getting this set up? I just got my HE today and am about to dip my toes into this but i have the exact same bedframe and it would be awesome if i could get this setup

I never did get this going. I got preoccupied with other things and put this project aside for a while... :frowning:

I know the son off is a much cheaper solution but I went all in and bought the Bond Pro hub to control a bunch of RF devices in the house (not a bed). It really is pretty straightforward, will handle pretty much the whole house, learns remotes it can't identify, and is even PoE. You can use their website to enter the FCC id of the remote and it will tell you right away if it's already in the database.

Good to know. I do have a bond bridge for my ceiling fans already but tried quickly to do the bed with no luck. I'll have to get the ID and look into it more. I'll let you know if I figure something out

Not sure if the regular bridge is different than the pro bridge. I know it has a much greater range, but I assume (!) the basic functionality is the same. I've had to use learn mode, worked just fine.

Ok I'll give it another try I didn't get the pro as it seemed like functionally was pretty much the same. I just got my HE and some wall switches and sensors. I'm gonna play around with it more this weekend but thanks for the heads up

Just checking in to see if anyone had any luck with this. We have the same bed with the same annoying hard limit of 15 minutes

I have not had any luck getting the bond to recognize the bed remote.