SimpliSafe DTH

It's been working pretty much rock solid since March. I created the custom commands for away/home/off and I've had no issues.

Awesome. I took some time to play with it tonight. In ST, they had a companion smart app to go a long with it. But looking closer, it seems we can just interact with it directly. In my case with webCoRE. Above you comment on custom commands.

In most cases, in my pistons I was monitoring state of it and then taking action - works fantastic. However I got to a piston where I wanted to arm it, in this case to Away. Seems like I can do that based on this screen shot:

The first command available is a custom one, and is suggestive of arming it into away status. I am guessing 'device Turn off' will disarm. This piston is harder to test. However how to I set up an option to arm it to Home?

The custom commands I spoke of are inside of RM. I had to create three custom commands in RM for "off"/"home"/"away" to allow rule manager to execute them. I have a few rules for SimpliSafe which include arming the "home" when I push a lutron pico button, or arming the "away" when I leave the house (also locks the door and has Alexa tell me all the windows and doors are closed).

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I figured the custom commands were in RM, I've build a few custom commands elsewhere already. And I can work with that, however I am not sure how to build them. When I go into RM to create a custom command, the first thing you need to do is select a capability. I guess my first question is which capability to pick, that will include the Simplisafe device (using your custom DTH).

Nvmd, I found it!

I have been chatting with Hubitat over a lot of noise in my logs that were degrading performance. Specifically something that was not 'the app not to be named'. :slight_smile:

The review has so far pointed to this driver.

User Logs:

|2018-11-28 09:22:12.030|INFO |dev|321|Simplisafe|Checking to see if time has expired....|
|2018-11-28 09:22:12.261|INFO |dev|321|Simplisafe|Executing Login...|
|2018-11-28 09:22:13.806|INFO |dev|321|Simplisafe|Executing polling...|
|2018-11-28 09:22:14.085|INFO |dev|321|Simplisafe|Alarm State1: AWAY|
|2018-11-28 09:22:14.086|INFO |dev|321|Simplisafe|Messages: []|
|2018-11-28 09:22:14.364|INFO |dev|321|Simplisafe|Events: System Armed (away mode): ...

Platform logs (from HE):
2018-11-28 09:22:12.260 [QuartzScheduler_Worker-1] WARN org.apache.http.client.protocol.ResponseProcessCookies - Invalid cookie header: "Set-Cookie: [[REDACTED]]; Expires=Wed, 05 Dec 2018 14:22:12 GMT; Path=/". Invalid 'expires' attribute: Wed, 05 Dec 2018 14:22:12 GMT
2018-11-28 09:22:13.614 [QuartzScheduler_Worker-1] WARN org.apache.http.client.protocol.ResponseProcessCookies - Invalid cookie header: "Set-Cookie: [[REDACTED]]; Expires=Wed, 05 Dec 2018 14:22:12 GMT; Path=/". Invalid 'expires' attribute: Wed, 05 Dec 2018 14:22:12 GMT
2018-11-28 09:22:13.806 [QuartzScheduler_Worker-1] WARN

Could someone recommend how to, or someone update the driver to, add some debug lines to help us see what is happening? Looks like around the 'check to see if time expired' area - something around like 275 (check time) or lines 223 (logging in).

I can ask this request, but I would have no idea where / what to add into the driver. :slight_smile:

Separately, I reviewed this entire thread again, and see an old, but unaddressed question about using Simplisafe driver status as trigger (as oppose to something used to take action upon).

I got it working great with the WATO apps: [RELEASE] WATO - When any Attribute Then this cmd Otherwise that cmd

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Any instructions to install this? Iā€™m a newbie and would love to bring in my SimpliSafe alarm system with rules.


Did anyone get this working with Hubitat?

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Yes, I use it, it creates a lot of log traffic, especially if you are monitoring motion sensors, and you need to poll the alarm much more frequently than the 5-minutes in the driver to make it practical. I'm polling once a minute right now. There was a concern voiced about SS noticing and taking action against the device doing the polling, but I'm not sure what they could / would do

Can you elaborate a bit on how you got it setup? I got my Hubitat setup yesterday, and I got my Philips Hue Hub and lights added in, and now want to try and get our SimpliSafe system integrated, but unfortunately, I can't find really any actual documentation on how to start.

I will try, but I'm rather new at this too. There is an option on the Hubitat menu (left hand side of the screen towards the bottom) for "Driver Code". Select "New Driver" and paste the code from Github above into that window, and save it.

From there, move to the Devices menu, and select "Add Virtual Device". Name it what you will, label it what you will. The Device type will be simplisafe (it will be in the user section at the bottom of the list). Save the new device, then edit it and enter your credentials.

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Can you give some more information on how you did that? Screenshot of one rule in RM would be great as I am stuck.

I changed things around to drive things with HSM.

What tile did you add to dashboard to manage the alarm mode (home/away/off)?

I have the SimpliSafe device on my dashboard and it just reports the current state. That's one of the reasons why I used HSM to drive the changes in SimpliSafe.

What i may be looking to do is different, i want to add to an existing "Away" rule that arms my system with HE goes into away mode, I cant seem to find a way to trigger that action using rule manager.

post up your rule.

I just want to be able to arm the SS based on the mode my HE is in.. My rule currently just turns off all the lights but I want it to do the alarm system also. I can't find the way to set the SS mode from a rule though.

It's under "run custom actions"
