Simple UPS

Are you using your c7, apart from app is it doing anything?

Not a lot..
it has a few test devices on it... still running :slight_smile:

I suppose this is not really a true test but it's run for longer than my UPS that has my firewalls and routers on it.. so that's good so far..
I'll be interested to see when it runs out
It's still providing a stable voltage.

Ordered, just hope it will run my sky router as well

I doubt that to be honest, but it depends on the load of your router

The info on the plug

The battery says it can power up to 2a @ 12v so you might be lucky :slight_smile:

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so how long did it run?

Still running!
When it finally dies, I might make an extra backup and try with one of my busy hubs :slight_smile:

over 24 hours is good though!

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Yeah, Iโ€™ll be honest though, the hub isnโ€™t doing a lot right now.
Thatโ€™s why I will try it on another hub when this test is finished.
(Although that could take week at this rate :slight_smile:)

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OK.. so the battery gave last night..
The last log entry was at 23.33

Mine is coming today I'll test it with just the router since the hub can run for 24 hours

I'll try it on one of my main hubs today, once I know that it is fully charged

Had to get different adapters , but doesn't work even though its rated at 2a and the power supply 1.42a it would start the router up, the power light just flashed and the same with the UPS, it looked like a old carma flash charging light, must be a capacitor inside and its not big enough to provide initial start up power