Simple Lighting Sunset/Sunrise Based Event Not Being Triggered

I have a very based Simple Lighting rule that turns on my outside lights at sunset and turns them off at sunrise. It worked fine for one day but is now flaky as hell. The Location Events page shows the events fired as expected but my lights aren't reliably turning on at sunset and off at sunrise.

When it succeeds, the log shows the that the devices in question have been turned or of off. When it fails there are no log entries for the devices in question.

Here's info from the location event page:

Here's a log excerpt from this morning where the turn off at sunrise event caused the lights to successfully turn off:

Here's a log excerpt from tonight's log where the lights dis not turn on at sunset:

And here's what my Simple Lighting rule looks like:

I created the rule this past Saturday morning. The Saturday sunset event worked correctly as did the Sunday sunrise event. I updated the hub to Version Sunday afternoon and Sunday's sunset event failed. Thinking the issue might be related to the update I rolled back to the issue persists.

Is anyone else seeing this issue?

Please show the apps detail page (blue circle i to the right of the app on the Apps page).

Is this what you're looking for?

No. That is for Simple Lighting parent app. I need it for the "Turn On Entrance Lights on at Sunset and Off at Sunrise" app.

Here you go:


You can see that it only subscribes to sunrise, not sunset. I would suggest simply deleting it, and creating it over again.

I deleted it and recreated it and both events now appear in the app info.

However, there appears to be a bug; Edit the rule and set a Sunset offset in minutes (+/-) to say 5 minutes and save the changes. Edit the rule again and set the offset to 0 minutes and save the changes. Note that the sunrise event is removed as in my earlier screen clip.

Guess what I did on Sunday morning after noticing that the 30 minutes offset value I entered was too large and the lights turned on when it was pitch black out?

OK, thanks. I will look into that. At least you can get it working...

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Thanks for the help and insanely quick response time!

Confirmed and found the bug. Fixed, will be in next release.

Iā€™m glad I saw this thread. I just set my hub up and had the same issue. Thought I was going crazy.