Simple Lighting: Pair Sunset/Sunrise with Specific Time

Can't imagine this would be hard, but would be great if we could trigger a light to turn on at sunset and then turn off at a specific time.

Right now (unless I'm missing something painfully obvious) I have to use two separate rules. One to turn on the light at sunset and a separate rule to turn it off at 11pm (for example). Don't see why we couldn't have both in the same simple lighting rule.

Just on when it gets dark and off when I want it to.


Simple Lighting is just that, simple. To do what you want, look into using Rule Machine.

Is what I'm asking really not so simple?

You can choose the on and off times already. You can choose specific times or sunrise / sunset.

I don't see it as any more or less "simple" to want a light to go on at sunset and turn off at some point later that isn't sunrise.

I currently use two rules. On at sunset and Off at 11pm. No reason why the "on time" and "off time" shouldn't be in the same rule, especially when sunrise / sunet is already an option in Simple lighting.

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Rules are free, what's the problem? I agree it would be better, but its not available right now, so 2 rules is the solution.

Sorry, i thought we were allowed to make suggestions here on how to improve the product.

My bad.

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Also worth adding (as I was reading the new Groups / Scenes documentation) is that this functionality already exists in other apps using times as triggers.

From: Groups and Scenes - Hubitat Documentation

"9: ....Your restriction options include:
Only between two times - Select specific times, Sunrise/Sunset, or a combination of Sunrise or Sunset and specific times."

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I agree with the request. What's more simple or common than turning on a light when it gets dark and off when you go to bed. Sure, normally I turn the light off manually, but my application is for an away timer. Never understood the restriction which also exits in Smarttings.

Welcome to the forums, Jim!

I never had SmartThings, so I had no idea this was a common implementation. I suspect that maybe there's some reason above my pay grade.

As a relatively new user myself, I'd have thought the devs and the community would be open to making Hubitat more appealing to novice users. But I certainly don't understand the objections here either, especially since its already available in Groups and Scenes.

Hey Jim @robillard.jim -

Just a quick FYI in case you missed it (I know I did.)
This functionality is now part of Simple Lighting 1.1.

You need to rewrite your rules (can't upgrade from 1.0), but thats not a big deal. Just tripped over it myself as I was adding a new light switch into the mix.

Just checked on Add Built-in Apps - there is no "Simple Lighting".
HE platform Pls advice - there can I find them. Thanx.

Think it's called Simple Automation now.