Simple Lighting Issue

I have the below simple lighting rule. It always works to turn the light on but it never turns it off. I end up turning it off manually from my dashboard. Can't figure out why. Wondering if when 1 sensor triggers it and another also opens within the 2 minute time frame if that could be an issue. Just looking for some ideas.

I have mine set up basically the same and never had a problem, but I don"t have a wait period when it closes the lights is off. Try taking the two minutes out and see what it does?

Looks like your trigger is set to “open/closed” while the other post just says open. Perhaps this event is running every time it’s opened and closed and thus gets itself in a loop where it always turns it on again and again for each open AND each close event. Check your logs and see if you see the light on action when it gets closed.

I don’t use the simple lighting app so this is just a guess.

You're looking at the wrong field. The Open/Close just is the capability selection. Lower is where it selects Opened to use for the trigger.

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