Simple Hue Lighting Rule Broken after 2.2.3 Update

I have a simple rule that turns my living room Hue lights on at 6:35am:

As you can see, all it does is turn the lights on by setting the colour temperature (and setting another variable used elsewhere). This rule has been working perfectly for months, until the 2.2.3 update, when a new behavior started.

Now, the lights turn on fine, but 15 seconds after turning the lights on, the hub starts sending commands to the Hue hub to turn each of the Hue lights (just the ones turned on by this rule) on and off, over and over again, endlessly. You can see what's happening in this log:

The lights turn on just fine starting at 06:35:02.033, but at 06:35:15.715 the hub starts sending the repeated on-off commands. The only way to stop this is to reboot the hub.

I have another (almost identical) rule that turns the same lights on at sunset - it now does the same thing.

This has three consequences, 1. the hub is significantly less responsive (as it is sitting pumping out on and off commands every 200ms or so) 2. my Hue bridge is much less responsive (pressing the button in my office to turn the lights on now takes several seconds to respond) 3. It is impossible to turn the affected lights off by any means (the Hubitat won't do it, Google won't do it, even the Hue bridge app won't do it) without restarting the Hubitat. 4. It can't be doing the bridge or lights much good getting swamped with commands constantly.

As I said, this started the morning after I installed the 2.2.3 update. I have made no other changes to the Huibitat for some time (no new rules, no new devices, nothing).

I'd really appreciate some support here as this has rendered my Hubitat essentially useless...

A couple ideas:

  1. Try just opening this rule and hitting either "Done" or "Update Rule" (same effect; should cancel anything currently scheduled and re-schedule/re-subscribe to anything it needs at the moment, which should just be your trigger times).

  2. Are there any other apps or rules that control these devices? Check the "In use by" section on the device page for each of the affected lights. On a related note, what is app 306 in the logs? (Clicking "app:306" will filter just to these entries and highlight that app name at the top; clicking the "info" bubble or other log level will take you to that app.) I might assume it's this rule, but knowing for sure would be good.

  3. Similarly, do you have any rules triggered by changing any of the global (?) variables you appear to be using here? (For example, what does that "inactive time" variable do?)

There is a way to downgrade to 2.2.2 if you suspect something in 2.2.3 really did cause this change (I know any of this is odd but especially the last two things if it was working fine before), but I'd start with other steps first if it were me. Hope one of these things helps at least!

Thank you for the suggestions!

  1. I have tried both "Done" and "Update Rule" several times, this seems to have no effect.

  2. I have tried pausing the other rules, again, this didn't seem to help. App 306 sets the color temperature of the lights if they are turned on. This means (meant, prior to 2.2.3) that it set the colour twice in this case, but that didn't cause any problems. This rule is intended to set the colour temperature if the lights are turned on manually (either through e.g. a button or via Google Home). I can't figure out a way to stop it running if the lights are turned on automatically, but again, all that should happen is it set the colour twice, there's no reason I can see for it to cause a loop. I've tried pausing that rule, and the same thing happens.
    In any case, here is rule 306:

  3. The only other rule triggered responds to Living_Room_Lights_Off_Time (to turn the lights back off at the specified time - this time can get modified if motion is detected, to keep the lights on if the room is occupied). That rule is not being triggered.

What seems to be happening is that "something" (it doesn't seem to be any of my rules, as I've paused them all) starts sending off and on commands (rule 306 responds to the on commands, as it should and sets the colour temperature, but doesn't send any off or on commands itself).

Aside from totally disabling instead of pausing the rule, I'm not sure what else to suggest since it sounds like you've tried reasonable steps.

The trigger in rule 306 that you just posted is the only thing that seems like it might be a culprit. I think changes were made in 2.2.3 regarding how RM handles a single "any" trigger (or at least I know they were going to be made; not sure if it made this release). The problem it was intended to address is described in this thread. Perhaps it has some unintended consequences.

But it does, because color prestaging isn’t supported on Hue, sending a color or CT command will also turn the lights on. If you’re doing it this way to set the color temperature when turned on by a voice assistant, you would be better off integrating the lights with Alexa or Google through Hubitat instead of directly through the Hue integration. That way Hubitat will know immediately that they are on, instead of polling to find out.
If you’re using button controllers on Hue, I would move them to Hubitat. Mine work very well on HE and the hub knows immediately that the lights are on.
Edit: I bet it’s sending the CT command with each light it polls as being “on”.

Thank you both for the suggestions.

The button controller I have is a Lutron Aurora, so let me see if I can get that to pair with the Hubitat.

That's a good idea to switch to controlling via the Hubitat from Google, I hadn't thought of that. That's a much cleaner solution (from the Hubitat's perspective anyway), thank you very much.

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Shouldn't be a problem. Also you can use the Mirror Me app with it.

It added just fine, thank you.

So when the dimmer level is changed, or the button is pushed, I'd like to set the room lights to the correct colour temperature (no problem, have a global variable for that, so easy to do in a rule), but how would I have it set the level of the lights to the level of the dimmer?

Got it, just leave the bulb level parameter empty, hadn't tried that before...

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So I'm still confused on one issue. If I turn the lights on via Google, I want to set the appropriate colour temperature. I now have the lights connected to Google through the Hubitat and the Hue account unlinked, but I'm still having the same issue (the rule to detect when the lights are turned on is unchanged). Is there a way from a rule to catch the command from Google, or a "better" way to detect that the lights have been turned on?

Failing anything else, I suppose I could set a global variable to the current time when the rule runs, and if it is called again within a short amount of time, just do nothing, which should break the loop...

If you turn on all of the lights at once, you could just limit the trigger to one bulb. You could also change to CoCoHue (@bertabcd1234 's Hue integration) from the stock Hue app and use the "group" device turning on as the trigger. CoCoHue supports dimming via the group device as well, which is very nice.
If all of your lights are on Hue, you could use the daylight sim (Hue web app?) to have Hue set the temps according to time of day. That way you won't see the color temp change after they come on.

OK, I'll take a look at CoCoHue.

Do you happen to know if it is more responsive than the stock Hue app? With the lights connected to Google by the Hubitat with the default app, I'm finding that many of the Hue lights are shown as "not responding" so when I turn them on or off via Google, several of them don't respond.

Do you have this toggle in the Google app?

I don't see any of those toggles. I'm using the Google Home app, is there a different app I should be using?

No. I have Alexa and just thought they might have included the toggle for google as well. It’s a newer feature that was introduced with 2.2.2 I think.

Ah I see, no, this is the only option on the Google Home app:

I have Alexa, so Google may be different, but did you delete the orphaned Hue devices when you disconnected it from your Google account? I had to do that for the Alexa app.

Google does that automatically when you unlink the Hue bridge.